Looking for a programmer - page 5

Oh, come on! You should have written to the man while you were laughing. Although I've seen this kind of story a hundred times, I'd love to see it again. The pig-saurus is lazy, I can see it in your eyes, but you're not such complete cynics, are you? If you were, you'd write it yourself. That's it, I'm going over to the side of the offended!
oxotnik >>:
Помойму я попал не по адресу... Кроме того чтобы тупо придумывать всякие здесь написанные цитаты у вас умишка не хватает... А еще MQL4 форум называется...

About intelligence, who lacks it? The one who cannot, or the one who can, but does not want to waste it?

oxotnik >>:
Не собираюсь ничего уточнять... но если было бы то написали бы... помогли бы очень

if paid... would help a lot.
oxotnik >>:
Студент...итак денег нету...

Well, if you're a student, you better start learning mql, by the way, there's a button with a cross in the editor, you click the wizard pop up, fill in the fields, half the code is already there :), then write, and where there will be bugs and difficulties - I promise you, you will definitely get help, people are responsive when you can not get / understand, but when someone just came and said, they ran and do it by the end of the week ... so it turns out in your case ... - so it turns out as in your case :)
Promised to hang himself
It's not good to start with cheating
granit77 >>:
перехожу на сторону обиженных!

It's boring, miserable and boorish, come back
Well, I guess I'll be back. Literacy is where I belong, but I don't like the atmosphere. :))
If you're familiar with C, you've got a couple of bang for your buck, oxotnik. You take the ready-made ones and look, experiment.
Your profile contains nothing but topics with requests for help with code. You signed up here in September 2009. You should know what's what.
So nothing gets done for free on this forum right? <br / translate="no">
Interesting, promising things are being done. But yours doesn't seem to be one of them, alas. But I could be wrong in my estimation.
oxotnik >>:
Т.е. на этом форуме бесплатно ничего не делается да?

Yes, 99% is done for free here. Paid too, of course, but rarely and behind the scenes.

Mathemat писал(а) >>
But yours doesn't seem to be one of them, alas.

He did not understand your leading questions.