Looking for a programmer - page 7

Lesta >>:

oxotnik, все-таки идея рисования дивергенции на фракталах заведомо проигрышная, пропадает весь смысл опережения...

*кстати индикатор Д1 из конкретной системы, почему бы не использовать её для зароботка на написание советника.

Idiot! Deevers are built on fractals!

oxotnik >>:

Идиот! Дивера по фракталам и строятся!

Yeah... with that approach to people... nuh-uh....

Deevers are built on fractals!

I've been thinking and thinking and I can't figure out what the divergence is with fractals. Maybe I am dumb?

leman писал(а) >>

I've been thinking and thinking and I can't figure out what the fractals diverge from. Maybe I'm dumb.

like with the D1 indicator extrema
sever29 >>:

вроде с экстремумами индикатора D1

And I was thinking with the deposit.

oxotnik >>:

Идиот! Дивера по фракталам и строятся!

Oooh, what arrogance...
This reminds me of a real-life incident.
Back in the day, when the vast majority of people were using Dial-up modems, some pimply teenager came out in one of the chat rooms. And, feeling impunity, he started swearing at everybody. He was asked once or twice to behave correctly. The guy didn't understand. And the chat room turned out to be full of people with a good understanding of network technology. It didn't take long for the guys to figure out the rude guy's IP address, break into his ISP, pull up the logs and documentation, figure out his home address, come over and beat the shit out of him.
oxotnik писал(а) >>

Idiot! Deevers are built by fractals!

Not dear, I want to notice, that I have not insulted you.
Secondly - it is necessary to expand the outlook (like the student and should reach for knowledge) in understanding of fractals, there are such concepts as - "forming fractals", so namely on forming fractals of a diver very apropos,
In the third - indicator D1 from the particular system, in the complex gives good results, but here one is a maximum of 10% of success (try through the adviser "exp_iCustum" even a schoolboy, and see that I was scolded in vain),

* do not think that you sat on the Forex market for a month or two ( a year or two) and became a guru, try to listen to people, some really are trying to help you with their hearts and kindness.
** read the attached file

drknn >>:

Уххх, какая самоуверенность...
Это напомнило мне 1 случай, произошедший в реальности.
Когда-то, когда подавляющее количество народа ходило в инет на Диал-Ап модемах, вышел как-то в 1 из чатов какой-то прыщавый подросток. И, чувствуя безнаказанность, давай на всех матом крыть. Его раз-другой попросили вести себя корректно. Парень не понял. А в этом чате оказались люди, которые хорошо шарили в сетевых технологиях. Парни не долго думая вычислили айпишник грубияна, ломанули его провайдера, подняли логи и документацию, вычислили домашний адрес, приехали и набили морду.

It's a good joke, but it's not April 1st.

four2one писал(а) >>

It's a good joke, but it's not April 1st.

it's no joke, they're figuring it out, they're coming...
sever29 >>:

эт не шутка, вычисляют, приезжают...

This is a defensive reaction on the part of comrade four2one, given his history of "crimes"