Looking for a programmer - page 4

granit77 >>:

Теперь тебе и бог велел в порядке гуманитарной помощи квалифицированно похоронить идею без оскорблений и разносов.

Mm-hmm. Without offending the feelings of the deceased's family and friends.

Nah, I'm afraid I can't take it. But I might say a few more words, though.

oxotnik >>:
НЕ делайте так рано выводы, поизучайте лучше дивергенцию...

Don't jump to conclusions so early, study better how fractals are formed...

So tell me how fractals are formed.
If no one buys into freebies in a short time, there is still a way out - look for a paid programmer.
Better yet, do it right away - it shows how much faith you have in what you're trying to make.
oxotnik >>:

Фрактал вверх формируется тогда, когда в комбинации из минимум пяти баров, средняя свеча (бар) имеет самый большой максимум.

Фрактал вниз формируется тогда, когда в комбинации из минимум пяти баров, средняя свеча (бар) имеет самый низкий минимум.

I have highlighted the most important things in blue. Two questions:

1. When can I consider a fractal of five bars formed - and accordingly make an entry on the formed fractal?

2. have you tested this idea by trading at least on a demo?

oxotnik >>:
...Я скоро повешусь...

That was quick... The audience is just beginning to mature. Or did you think that all of the 30000 daily visitors would immediately rush to see your creation? Convincing the bank to give you a loan requires some effort, but to make the programmer work for your idea, you must not only "show your education", but also prove the fruitfulness of the idea. And before you send your opponent to Wikipedia, it's a good idea to look at the number of his posts and the date of registration, otherwise it may be before your date of birth. :))

oxotnik >>:
Я скоро повешусь...

Please specify the time
oxotnik >>:
Я скоро повешусь...

What's the point of having an indicator then? Do you want to bequeath it to someone?

That's it, he was a man of his word !
Mischek >>:
Всё, это был человек слова !

scared the hell out of me.