Indicator dump by Dserg - page 9

Dserg писал(а) >>

You must have missed the beginning of the thread.
The colours mean the following:

Blue - Up trend.
Blue - Up trend, down correction started.
Tomato - Down correction continued until trend change. Down trend.
Crimson - Down trend, up correction started.

Makes sense to me.

Hello, connoisseurs,
Please help an illiterate amateur. I can not run the indicators. When compiling, there are no errors, the table with the settings comes out, but my indicator doesn't work. I have done everything right, put some includes, created an indicator, no error compilation, but when I run it, nothing happens. I have tried to test it and got this message
2010.05.02 08:20:49 2010.04.26 21:00 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files/expert/indicators/dserg.ex4' on the EURUSD,H4

vashad >>:

Здраствуйте Знатоки,
Помогите пожолуйста неграмотного дилетанта. Никак не могу запустить индикаторов. При компиляции нет ошибок, таблица с настройками выходит, а индикатор у меня не работает. Вроде все сделал как надо-поставил инклудов, создал индикатор, компиляция без ошибок, но после запуска ничево. Попробовал советник протестировать-получаю сообщение-
2010.05.02 08:20:49 2010.04.26 21:00 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\еxperts\indicators\dserg.ex4' on the EURUSD,H4

Rename the indicator to 'dserg' and recompile.
Dserg писал(а) >>

Rename the indicator to 'dserg' and recompile.

Thank you for your attention,

Did it, but indicator does not draw, EA gives out:
2010.05.02 11:46:43 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\experts\indicators\X2DigMA.ex4' on the EURUSD,H4

vashad >>:

Спосибо за внимание,

Сделал, но индикатор не рисует, а советник выдает:
2010.05.02 11:46:43 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\experts\indicators\X2DigMA.ex4' on the EURUSD,H4

Obviously you have to download and install the appropriate indicator (X2DigMA), which was attached at the beginning of the thread.
Damn, what kind of people are these days!
They don't read the topic, but they are already asking stupid questions.
Dserg писал(а) >>

Obviously you have to download and install the appropriate indicator (X2DigMA) which was attached at the beginning of the thread.
Man, what kind of people are these days!
They don't read the topic and ask silly questions.

If you put something - be gracious, answer stupid questions
Vinin >>:

Выложил что-то - будь любезен, отвечай на глупые вопросы

No, I don't.
I am ready to communicate constructively about the essence of TC or discuss proposals for further development, but I have no desire to explain elementary things - how to install and compile an indicator.
Dserg писал(а) >>

No, you don't.
I am ready to communicate constructively about the essence of TC or discuss proposals for further development, but I have no desire to explain elementary things - how to install and compile an indicator.

Constructive conversation is very rare.

Vinin >>:

Конструктивная беседа - это большая редкость.

))) And just having a conversation is just rare. Things usually work out differently here...

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

))) And just having a conversation is just rare. Things usually work out differently here...

Apparently there are other sources of communication for the conversation. Although maybe not sources. Just opportunities.
Vinin >>:
Видимо для беседы есть другие источники связи. Хотя может и не источники. Просто возможности.

There are sources... But you can't get to you with a full glass.