MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 5

In fact, there is no point in discussing platforms. There is no point in discussing platforms. You need to produce your own products for the main ones. That's what serious companies do (and I consider Metakvotovs to be one), focused on a "different" customer.
joo >>:

Удивительный Вы человек. В смысле удивляете меня. :)

Легко провести опрос. Трейдеры, если это действительно трейдеры, готовы будут заплатить за клиент для Linux гораздо более серьезную сумму.

Personally, it was much easier for me to buy a 'netbook' honestly :) and it runs 4 MTs at the same time... and nothing else gets in their way... and it's standing there, it doesn't ask for any food... Personally, I don't care which operating system it runs on as long as it gets my account credited properly:)
E_mc2 >>:

Так в чём проблема там есть названия организаций которые проводили иследования. Или всё нада разжевать? Берите Гугл да ищите. Я для себя уже все нашол . Линух 1% и всё хуже и хуже...Или просто возразить толком не чего? Или может вам ссылку за личной подписи Обамы нада дать тогда всё будет чинно и официально?? Там приведены официальные данные. Имена компаний проводивших иследования имеюца. Я верю этим даным. Вы нет?? Ну Гугл в руки и ищите то во что поверите. И причом там яблоко к Линукс? И причом там штаты если мы о мировой доле?? А как там у чукч на крайнем севере не в курсе? Линух у них на ноутах рулит??

So why do you cite the results on forums? I can draw such pictures myself and post them on the forum. If you give me statistics, then give me normal sources. And if you have already "found it" for yourself, I have also found that it is far from it. Apple with the fact that you say that the wind is beyond competition, so in fact it is not. The states share of world share is not so small.

I think it's a matter of philosophy:) Personally, I'm also an avid penguin fan... и винду использую только там, где линь использовать не получается for obvious reasons, because there are simply no analogues of some necessary products... At work, 90% of the computers are on linux... only a handful of machines run Windows... and it's mostly 1C... because 1C was forced on us by the government and it doesn't work on the Linux....... and a few other professional things that have no counterparts on linux... Machines that are mainly used for office work have been running successfully on Linux for several years... and I have two machines at home... one is on the linux (mine)... the other is for toys - my son and wife play... I trade on a netbook (I bought it especially for this purpose), nothing else is done on it except trading.
Conclusion - we Windows users can do without their operating system but they can't do without ours.

But the situation is changing. Major developers have recently started to pay attention to the free platform and release their products for it as well. It would be a gigantic advantage for Metakvot to release a client for Linux, among other things, or at least to collaborate with companies like Etersoft
I have heard it somewhere before. It was 5-7 years ago and things are changing...

Statistics are kept on sales. Linux is free and thus it is difficult to track the number of installations. The popularity of Linux can be judged by the number of downloads of its distributions, which means millions and millions of users worldwide.
Who told you that? There are commercial Linux distributions. And is all linux software free? Of course not.

Yeah CP/M must have been bad too. But then suddenly DOS came along, very good, and look closely, it's CP/M ;)

I don't know what your CP/P is at all, but it's a trademark linuxoid trick to compare the latest version of linux with MS DOS or Windows 98. Wake up and sing, linuxoids, wake up and sing! It's the 21st century, compare any of your operating systems to Windows 7. Is there anything in Linux that is superior to Windows 7?
C-4 >>:
Я вообще не знаю что такое ваше CP/P, но вообще это фирменный прием линуксоидов, сравнивать последнию версию линукса с MS DOS или Windows 98. Проснитесь и пойте господа линуксоиды, проснитесь и пойте! На дворе 21 век, сравните любую из вашей операционок с Windows 7. Есть ли в линуксе хоть что-то что превосходит Windows 7?

What are you talking about now?
I'm just making an analogy.
OS/2 -> Windows.
Windows7, what was it copied from?

Do you happen to know what operating system the programmers at melkosoft work on?

C-4 >>:
Есть ли в линуксе хоть что-то что превосходит Windows 7?

At a glance, hard links are missing. Although I haven't used Seven yet, I don't think they've done it.

And a counter question :

Is there anything in Windows that is superior to Linux?

It has been clear for a long time. Linux is free and that is its plus, not in the sense that you don't have to pay for it, but in the sense that the developers have no vested interests and there is no point in them stealing technology, they think.
C-4 >>:

Где-то я это уже слышал. Было это лет 5-7 назад, а положение все меняется...

Once again, I repeat. There is no need to start cross-platform wars. It's pointless. The giants I was talking about, most of them have been releasing their products for NIX* from the beginning, the rest started doing so about five to ten years ago.

linux is for people who like to think and invent.
I agree, the philosophy of working and working with forex and linux is different, so the arguments will be different.
someone above said that linux has a 1% share. i don't know, that statistic doesn't bother me. however, if you try hard enough, you can run the same thing on linux as you do on Windows.
Who in winehq will comit the bugtrack on the sub-item? or should i do it?
Metakvot tester promised - got it, let's bring MT5 to a normal cross-platform launch, I think I'm not the only one who doesn't run critical things under winhq...