EMA weight calculation - page 7

I've been poking fun at a grasshopper for three days now:)))
I go back to him sometimes, too, when I can. I feel sorry for him. ihor gave a good idea about considering movement in only one coordinate.
I immediately thought of that, by the way. Purely speculatively I can understand that the insect can choose the ratio of jumps to the right-left so as to obtain the desired coordinate, but mathematically I cannot formulate it yet. It is necessary to prove the possibility of unlimited approximation of an arbitrary number by a certain configuration of jumps. It seems to me that the easiest way to solve the problem is to write the coordinate as a fraction (like 0.1001011) in binary system.
Fuck, there's the solution!!! I'll put it in that thread.
Do you think insects calculate what they do? :D
OK, it's better to talk about it there, it's a different weed here :)
Can I ask you a silly question? Is the "^" sign a degree?)
eddy >>:
можно глупый вопрос? знак "^" это что? степень?:)

Personally, I call it "the lid".

as far as I understand - degree, as the weight decreases with each bar
thanks for the answers, questions exhausted :)
except for the one about insects :D