EMA weight calculation - page 5

No, not the weight, but it looks like it. It's really just the EMA of a periodic rectangular signal.
I already wrote you about the weight - it's pr*(1-pr)^k. It's a geometric progression.
I understand it's a geometric progression. The weight decreases exponentially, right?... I'd like a visualiser where I can enter a value and see how the weight is distributed
Well, yes, exponentially.
eddy >>:
мне бы визуализатор

I don't think it's hard...?

eddy >>:
ЕМА определяется путём добавления к ЕМА[1] определенной доли Close[0] - какой доли конкретно?

eddy, you're back ))))

The last value would be a hundred, and the others, deeper down, would represent the percentage of the weight.
eddy >>:

думаю это не сложно..?

In MS Excel, it's like two fingers on the pavement.

eddy >>:
жду ответа о рисунке..:)
он действительно отображает вес придающийся барам по убыванию? я бы очень хотел такой визуализатор, ведь у меня именно с этим проблемы - представить какой конкретно вес придаётся барам

What are you waiting for? All the explanations have already been given. There's nothing to add.
You should have studied in school. It's an ordinary RC chain filter (1st order filter). That's how it smooths out a rectangular signal.

I didn't leave, don't be offensive.
Mathemat >>:

В MS Excel - как два пальца об асфальт.

Yes and in mql I can, I just can't formulate the function. buf[i]=?)

close all bars split into ema? or wrong...?