Does the Grail exist? - page 166

denis_orlov >>:откудова тогде картинка, по блату?.. ;-)
Picture - no blag - this is my TS, I am working on entries and goals, if TS during the week will not fail, then I will try to show my Grail next week :), but my Grail is only online - no predictions, but with goals = TP
IgorM >>:
теперь уже ни как, а раньше он на ветке альпари оставлял свой инвест пасс, можно было ввести в МТ4 и видеть его сделки, и те которые были и те которые открыты. сейчас он не оствалял свой инвест, надеюсь, что оставит :)

Ahh... I thought the picture you attached was the author's deal.


I was also a bit surprised, because he doesn't trade on eurusd. I understand now.

Bicus >>:

Ааа... я то подумал, что приаттаченная вами картинка - это сделкаи автора.


Еще удивился немного, т.к. он на eurusd не торгует. Теперь понятно.

I wish his TS was a forecast ahead of time, my TS is a forecast of movement, what and at what level will come :)

Maybe he is trading the Eurobucks today as well, it's a real tidbit today :)

IgorM писал(а) >> the picture - without the blag - it's my TS, I work out the entries and goals, if TS during the week will not fail, then I'll try to show my Grail next week :), but my Grail is only online - without predictions, but with goals = TP

Well, good for you then.

>> what's the general principle, no details - secrets are sacred)), but the gist?

denis_orlov >>:

IgorM писал(а) >> картинка - без блата - это моя ТС, отрабатываю входы и цели, если ТС на протяжении недели не даст сбоев, тогда и я на следующей неделе попробую показать свой Грааль :), но мой Грааль он только онлайн - без прогнозов, но с целями = TP

ну тогда молодец

каков общий принцип, без подробностей, - секреты святое)), но сама суть?

the gist of it = my posts over the last couple of weeks :)

secrets are not sacred - it's a tool in development

IgorM писал(а) >>

I wish his TS was a forecast ahead of time, my TS is a forecast of movement, what and at what level will come :)

Maybe he's trading the Eurobucks today too, it's a real tidbit today :)

I traded pound today with Gold Trader's method no greenbacks (board does not allow) +50% of my depo, not bad either?
qusa0001.rar  599 kb
Tantrik >>:
А я сегодня фунт пипсовал по методу голд трейдера сринов нет (платф не позволяет) +50% от депо то же неплохо?
I was pipsing last week, this week I'm already predicting 30 pips (4 digits), and I try to take the whole +30, not a specific pair :)
IgorM писал(а) >>
I was pipsing last week, this week I already forecast 30 pips (4 digits), and I try to take it from the whole +30, not from a particular pair :)
It is the pound/dollar that is the easiest pipsing...
Tantrik >>:
Именно фунт/долл самая лёгкая пипсовка...

I haven't thought about it, I try to take everything as far as the depo is concerned

ZS: i assume the pound is about to turn around :)


You know, I've been thinking, even the newcomer FantasYGold is beating the famous Niroba. Niroba in more than half a year has not been able to show us his trading. But Fantomas has turned on monitoring and works without extra words!