Does the Grail exist? - page 144

Tantrik >>:

Система не требует тестирования, оптимзации... у ней нет слива, нет минусов...

the description is a grail!!!
that's why I don't believe it...

IgorM писал(а) >>

.... T101, but not in the way it is distributed on the internet, only the principle and the concept can be taken from T101

Link please.

moskitman писал(а) >>

the description is a grail!!!
that's why I don't believe it...

It happens....
moskitman >>:


а теперь серьезно: я лучше знаю чего я хочу.
я хочу найти способ эксплуатации неубиваемой рыночной закономерности

There is one reliable way, but legally at least in the US it is punishable. Insider, (not to be confused with insider knowledge). :-)))

I get the feeling that children are the only ones writing in this thread. And sometimes they are gloating.
And yet, FentasyGold is doing wonders...
Good afternoon. I haven't written for a long time and I'm too lazy to read the archive. I read one thing, that all I have is bullshit) so I will tell you people, yes sometimes my entries are not very good, but who knows the price movement 100%? I don't know what to do with them. Look and see if anyone has any stops? No, most normal traders don't have stops. People are medium traders, they do not sit in front of the monitor for 24 hours pipsing. They don't make mistakes when they enter the market, they can easily cover them (of course, if you know when the next turn comes). Good luck to all
Bicus >>:
Такое чувство у меня складывается, что в этой теме одни дети пишут. Причем злорадные иной раз.
А тем неменее ФентазиГолд показывает чудеса...

Yes it is. Fancier has already made almost 40 out of a grand on the demo from the beginning of the branch, and no shrieks of delight, just mmm.

and I have the feeling that this forum reads much more people than you write - as proof - the forum hangs if someone has once again become ill on eurobucks or fit the time of the next news
If you say somewhere new research, there are newly registered users
ZS: And as an angry child or a moron easier to copy - who will take pity truth will tell in a fit of anger, and who will teach, I think that soon I will pass into the category of active readers :)
Trut >>:

Есть один надежный способ, но юридически во-всяком случае в сша наказуем. Инсайд, не путать с инсайтом. :-)))

Oh, come on... there's also a knife, a gun and RDX...
It's much more mundane than that.
I'm not going to post the raw TXT in a separate thread now - unprepared "entry" into the audience (or introduction of the audience to the topic) will only harm the topic itself.

in the week.
IgorM >>:
..., думаю, что скоро и я перейду в разряд активных читателей :)

and I seem smarter when I'm not talking ))))