Does the Grail exist? - page 73

denis_orlov >>:

Helen, почему вы игнорируете прямой вопрос к Вам?

Приличные дамы так себя не ведут...)))

Мне всего лишь интересен Ваш опыт и стаж, чтобы оценить перспективы дуэли.

Helen wrote >>
Because that's not how decent gentlemen ask. Your question was related to "my story". Can you feel the nuance?
Yes, Helen, exactly with your story - as a trader. Not of your personal life, childhood or what you did last summer...
Where did you see a trick or mockery here, what nuance did you think you had?...

However, your reaction already speaks volumes.
Thank you. I don't have any questions

denis_orlov писал(а) >>
Yes, Helen, exactly with your story - as a trader. Not of your personal life, childhood or what you did last summer...
Where did you see a trick or mockery here, what nuance did you think you had?...

However, your reaction already speaks volumes.
Thank you. I don't have any questions

:)) Dear Denis. Tell me, plz, what should my reaction to your question say so much?
Tell me, plz, why should I have responded to it? Who told you that your question should be noticed and, well, ignored? :))
Let me explain some basics to you, apparently unbeknownst to you. Your prying into promoting your topic just screams it :) ... not even a "lot to say" about it. So, why should your question go unanswered...
- no reader can be sure of the honesty of a trader's answer
- telling "his story" may be perceived by readers as self-promotion or boasting.
- You don't want to know about a trader's work... You don't have to ask trader's opinion :)
I was going to go on, but these paragraphs are enough to understand how your question was... well, let's just say, inappropriate.
Hint... If you're so terribly interested in my "history" :)), you can go to a famous forum and ask the traders of the pool and investors. There's even a private chat room there :))
Helen >>:

:)) Милый Денис. Расскажите, плз, о чём так много должна говорить моя реакция на ваш вопрос?
Скажите, плз, почему я должна была отвечать на него? Кто вам сказал, что именно ваш вопрос должен быть особо замеченным и игнорированию, ну, никак не подлежит? :))
Я вам поясню некоторые азы, вам, видимо, неизвестные. Ваша назойливость в продвижении вашей темы просто кричит об этом :) ... а не даже о "многом говорит". Итак, почему ваш вопрос должен остаться без ответа...
- никто из читателей не может быть уверен в честности ответа трейдера
- рассказ о "своей истории" работы может быть воспринят читателями как самореклама или бахвальство
- узнавать о работе трейдера... нужно не у самого трейдера :)
Хотела и дальше написать, но уже и этих пунктов хватит, чтобы понять насколько ваш вопрос был... ну, скажем, неуместен.
Подсказка... Если так жутко интересуетесь моей "историей" :)), то можно элементарно пройти на известный форум и расспросить у трейдеров пула и инвесторов. Там даже личка есть :))

Yeah . :))
In your opinion, "go to a well-known forum and ask the pool traders and investors" would be characterised as a normal thing to do...
Much more appropriate than openly asking the first person...
It wasn't prying, it was healthy interest.
From now on - the interest is exhausted.

denis_orlov писал(а) >>

Yeah . :))
In your opinion, "go to a well-known forum and ask the pool traders and investors" would be characterised as a normal thing to do...
Much more appropriate than openly asking the first person...

Reread my post again. Apparently something was misunderstood.

It was not an annoyance but a healthy interest.
From now on - the interest is over.

How to live now...! Denis_orlov himself has exhausted his interest in me... I'll shoot myself...

Dear Denis, you said something stupid. It was even pointed out to you. You made it worse. That's all. You just haven't figured out the whole forex thing yet. I can forgive you for getting started. Give it up. Enjoy your life! It's springtime! It's fun to be alive! :)
Helen >>:

На началах простительно. Бросьте это дело. Радуйтесь жизни! Весна на дворе! Весело же жить! :)

No, I don't think so... I'll just sit in my dark den in front of my computer and boil with rage at you...


Are you a lovine trader?

sever29 >>:

kharko- лОвиной торгуете?

Based on the TC of the Nevermind...

kharko писал(а) >>

Based on the TC of the Nevermind...

Interesting. How many instruments in the portfolio? 7 ? Are they all in the same direction?

sever29 >>:

Интересно. Сколько инструментов в портфеле? 7 ? По всем в одну сторону встали?

27 instruments (no big deal :)).... All positions are against the trend...

kharko писал(а) >>

27 instruments (no big deal :)).... All positions against the trend...

Are you kidding or seriously? You have 7 trades in your monitoring.