Does the Grail exist? - page 33


There is such a thing as a grail only for machine makers. For me personally, the grail as a permanent way of earning a living has been around for a long time. And not only for me, of course. So, the grail is what automaton-creators strive for - and the author just called his theme that way for nothing.

** By the way - why does nobody accept the author's challenge? If all are so smart - take it and beat him - you say he will lose in two months - OK, make a condition - the contest is a permanent fixture for a year. The winner is the one who earns more as a result. I would not count the money but points. I actually count for myself only how many points made. :))


It's already said in the humour section, very accurately.

moskitman 17.04.2010 19:48

American forum. You ask a question, then you get an answer.
Israeli forum. You ask a question, and then you are asked a question.
Russian forum. You ask a question, then they tell you
what an asshole you are. (с)
SProgrammer >>:

Кстати - а почему никто не принимает вызов автора?

I won't compete, in case I lose, then the author wins, and until the author beats me I can "long tell what he's like..." (c) :)
This may not be very nice, but it is honest:)
and about the forum good joke :) +5
Turka писал(а) >>

I'm not going to compete, in case I lose, then the author wins, and until the author beats me I can "tell him what he's like..." (c) :)
This may not be very nice, but it is honest:)
but the joke about the forum is good :) +5

I get the joke - but I'll blurt it out :))) -- >The author can't be... If he wins - he wins, then he's good.
denis_orlov писал(а) >>
OK, since the gentlemen have nothing else to add but pips and quid, I'll finish the thought...

And so, since the GRAAL is a system of well-defined methods that determine the conditions for starting a trade, the optimal exit at a profit and at a loss - the GRAAL cannot exist in any way.

Because, at each stage, it is only possible to speculate with varying degrees of probability, but do not know for certain the further development of events.
Options for "secret information" is not considered, since it is not a trading system, and not available to ordinary worker-traders.

What is available to us is only a guess, and all three steps can be performed on the basis of the assumptions. This is not an exact knowledge, no formulas or precise rules can be derived from it, only approximate predictions.
All we have to do is to wait for the most convenient moments when the price has a high probability of rise or fall.

The system that defines such conditions with high probability can bring stable profit, but it is always smaller than it would be expected and "seen" on the history, because it is much more difficult not to enter the market, but to exit it correctly.
Therefore, any such system should be based on prudence, common sense and self-control, which comes with experience and subjectivity, and by itself excludes a grail by definition.

Any patterns, even the most golden ones, can be drawn even in the absence of a clear price tendency, it was dealt with in this thread
A simple program in Excel, using the random acceleration method, draws such nice charts.
And then there are deceptive market maneuvers, stop hunters, broker's tricks and other stuff...

Hoping that some rules will always work is strange, to say the least. To be 100% sure - the same thing.

I'll repeat the previous post -

"The author asked if there is a grail? Maybe the Forex grail itself is a bottomless bowl! The grail - if you (referring to yourself) haven't seen it, it does not mean it does not exist. In general, this is a philosophical question. There are secrets, there are mysteries, there is TRUTH! One of the truths - no religion, sect, and tantra science simply explains there is no future - it has not come yet. There is the past, there is the present and there is a prediction, albeit with nine decimal points, but a prediction.
Grail at least two things - 1) someone who is able to predict the future with a high percentage - a psychic. 2) A trading system that shows a stable plus over a period of time, the higher the %, the grailer. There is no 100% and will never be. And searching for them in each transaction is meaningless.

For the first question - intuition can be developed by anyone who wants it's not difficult (maybe you just need to lift your head from the sheet with formulas). Superpowers - wrong opinion of the majority - they are given - from birth, are inherited. Nature does not deprive anyone of it and does not allocate - just there is a failure of the program (programmer. know) and in a defective body is often reinforced by other properties. Intuition itself develops in one case over the years - professionalism (but there are catalysts).

For the second question is even easier - it is a construction, development of TS based on the constantly repeating actions of the market, schedule. The aim is to simplify the work refusing from TA and FA. For 5 months of observations they are enough (but the less the better) for more than one TS. I can not say they are not used, not all write how they work. And the calculations of the input and output is the first option here you need intuition.

byxwcqdnlo.rar  202 kb
Bars in history 29829
Simulated ticks 552809
Simulation quality 25.00%
Chart mismatch errors 0
Initial deposit 10000.00
Net profit 6629.73
Total profit 6629.73
Total loss -0.00
Expectation to win 1.50
Absolute drawdown 1.52
Maximum drawdown 102.68 (0.99%)
Relative drawdown 0.99% (102.68)
Total trades 4420
Short positions (% win) 0 (0.00%)
Long positions (% win) 4420 (100.00%)
Profitable trades (% of all) 4420 (100.

Loss trades (% of all) 0 (0.00%)
profitable trade 1.50
losing trade -0.00
profitable trade 1.50
losing trade -0.00
continuous wins (profit) 4420 (6629.73)
continuous losses (loss) 0 (-0.00)
continuous gains (number of wins) 6629.73 (4420)
continuous loss (number of losses) -0.00 (0)
Another joker
or a duel on toothpicks.
I'm done talking.
SProgrammer >>:

** Кстати - а почему никто не принимает вызов автора? Если все такие умные - возмите и обыграйте его - говорите что он сольет через два месяца - ОК ставьте условие - соревнование идет перманентно в течении года. Выигрывает тот кто зарабатывает больше по итогу. Я бы считал не деньги а пункты. Я вообще считаю для себя только сколько пунктов сделал. :))

Waiting for motivation.
But even if it comes, in the form of your flat for example, I have to admit defeat.
I wouldn't dream of that kind of profitability.
for a short time it will be like most recharged only to win the cc's like in the championships, or chest in the crosses or head in the bushes
in general nonsense, although the motivation rules...
SProgrammer >>:

Я не когда не сужу людей пока они не начнут доставать как Свин. Мне нет никакого дела до того кто что может или не может.

Not true your uncle...