Intraday trading - page 9

Sostratos FX Daily Strategy: Sell EURUSD: Entry: 1.24120, Target: 1.22520, Stop Loss: 1.24620

olivero, why did you stop drawing?


Olivero, why did you stop drawing?

I agree. Clearer. But people want to monitor the recommendations and I decided not to remove the old ones. If these charts will be 4-5 pairs twice a day, just imagine how big a branch of pictures will become just for a month. And in two... And a one line post is more compact.



Do you know what ordinary people are interested in? :) These are means, if you 'directly' follow your predictions. How to interpret or apply them is up to us.

Do at least a manual test, strictly according to your recommendations in this thread and show equity...

Sostratos FX Daily Strategy: Sell EURGBP: Entry: 0.83610, Target: 0.82760, Stop Loss: 0.83810
A sell-off has passed global stock markets and the Forex market thanks to stable demand for Spanish government bonds. European banks got their way. Spain's bond yields have reached huge values for the euro zone, and now banks are happy to buy the government's debt.

It is understandable that on such background the Euro steadily went up, and by Friday reached the unthinkable heights - $1.24/euro. The rebound lasts for the second week, and no obstacles can stop the "European" on its way up. From the technical point of view, the Euro reached a tough resistance at 1.24, which might take some time to overcome. The factor of the summer lull should not be neglected, so the Euro might also rally, as it is rising.

As for the GBP, the currency has been rising against the USD during the month, although the speed of this rise leaves much to be desired. The Pound has gone from $1.43 to $1.48 during the month, and the bulls haven't even tried to solve their main task of breaking through the $1.5/lb mark upwards.

The euro zone's problems are not over, but another peak has been passed. The Spanish government has successfully issued a new sovereign bond and pushed back the panic indefinitely. And it is hard to scare the markets with quasi-default of the European country and soon these problems will fade into the background. After all, nobody remembers the problems of Dubai funds now.



The level of 1.2340 will help to continue the way up. Target at 1.2420, followed by 1.25. Below that, the pair could fall to 1.2275.



After yesterday's strong pullback, consolidation is expected. The expected range is 1.4765-1.4835.



A break above 0.8665 needs to be confirmed. Short-term target at 0.8740. Below that, the 0.8625 level is at risk first.

Monday and no statistics on trading results in pips ((
Sostratos FX Daily Strategy: Sell GBPUSD: Entry: 1.48370, Target: 1.46520, Stop Loss: 1.48920
Sostratos FX Daily Strategy: Sell EURUSD: Entry: 1.24120, Target: 1.22520, Stop Loss: 1.24620