A problem with the terminal. Has anyone experienced it? - page 3

ElenD >>:
Места на жёстком диске достаточно...

убрать индикаторы - а как работать с МТ без индикаторов?

Move it, then bring it back

remove indicators - but how do you work with MT without indicators? <br / translate="no">.
Temporarily. Need reanimation first. Football later.
On their own. And for some reason, it seems to me that this is a conflict. But what is in conflict and with what? Are there any programmes to figure it out?
Above guys advise to temporarily remove indicators - did you make new patterns in the terminal, nice charts before the terminal crashed?
Did you install/uninstall any new games or programs before the terminal crashed?
I've done this before, put up a new terminal, put up 6 of my indicators and everything died. But it can't be like that! I have been using them for a long time and nothing happened!

the magazines don't say anything about conflicts?

ElenD >>:
Я уже делала так, ставила новый терминал, вешала штук 6 своих индикаторов и все умерало. Но ведь такого быть не может! 5 -6 индикаторов всего! причём я ими давно пользуюсь и ни чего!

Do as the guys above advised. Remove the indicators - move the folder with the indicators to the desktop. Then try to run the terminal (before doing so turn off all active terminals in task manager).

I was hanging old templates. Assuming the MT hangs because I hang an old ind. or template - how is this resolved.
DDFedor >>:

в журналах ничего не сказано о конфликтах?

Как это посмотреть в Висте и на что нужно смотреть?

