What is everyone looking for? - page 33

In my opinion, the financial results are a superstructure and the signals are the basis. <br / translate="no">
I understand your aspiration. You want to optimise the "basis" of a real system (signal flow with MM) in order to bring it as close as possible to the ideal (according to Pearson). Well, well, there you go again with optimization games... But the idea is interesting.
Svinozavr >>:
Очень смешно...

I'll move my finger to the middle position in photoshop - that would make more sense...

Svinozavr писал(а) >>
Very funny...

Don't look at.... :)

SProgrammer >>:
Я тебе рекомендую поиграться с ЗЗ, ЗЗ это на само деле фракталы, просто с переменным параметрами.

Yeah. Yeah.

Play, Matemat, play.

While Goldman Sachs is making a lot of money in trading by playing Forex and stocks, they need the rest of us to "play around".

"First play with this, then play with that..." there are many options.

Mathemat писал(а) >>
I understand your aspiration. You want to optimise the "basis" of the real system (signal flow with MM) in order to get it as close to the ideal (according to Pearson) as possible. Well, well, there you go again with optimization games... But the idea is interesting.

No, it's not optimization I don't agree with you, it's just another indicator :))) The thermometer - which is exactly what is prescribed from the effect of over-optimization.

Mathemat писал(а) >>
But the idea is interesting.

In fact, it's not all obvious - that's why we need to investigate and analyse it. Does it give something or only speculative conclusion - which as you understand there were a lot of illusions. :)

Svinozavr >>:

Щас в фотошопе палец на среднюю позицию переставлю - это будет логичней...

I've long wondered (since your new avatar) how you managed to avoid such temptation. Considered an original. ;)

And you're back to the masses again.....


Somehow Sprogrammera's semantics changed and he started writing without mistakes. He was apparently allowed to use FireFox and was given an editor-corrector against corporate rules. Probably, it was Irriss who was burned on his first day of work. At least that one wrote a little more correctly.
MetaDriver >>:

Я давно удивляюсь (с момента появления твоей новой аватарки) как ты смог избегнуть такого соблазна. Счёл оригиналом. ;)

А ты опять, млин, в массы решил податься.....


It's all from shyness. But that's tomorrow...

Svinozavr >>:

Это все от застенчивости. Но это - завтра...

The correct picture is described here https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/124729/page2#288921