My next "masterpiece" - page 5

It's funny to everyone, but the profit is there! And only because ("funny" or "profit is there" - take your pick) we don't know why.
Therefore I propose:
1) Define specifically the purpose of the research - astrological, nationalistic, linguistic...
2. Conduct deep (into the pit and around the perimeter) tests of the objective defined earlier.
3. Optimize the TS for all possible timeframes, including menstrual.
4. Win a Nobel Prize and become the famous founder of a new direction in economics - "unconventional economic cyclicality".
5. To stop trading on the Forex market with the money from the prize!
Excerpt from The New Gatsby. The setting is the Chicago Stock Exchange.

"Soybean prices spiked. A drought is raging in the Illinois soybean belt. If it does not end soon, there will be a sharp decline in the supply of beans. Suddenly a few raindrops hit the window pane. "Look!" - someone shouted, "It's raining!" More than 500 pairs of eyes stared at the windows. The rain pounded on the windows harder and. finally, it turned into a downpour. It was raining in Chicago. Selling. Buying. Buying. Selling. The roar of the traders merged with the roar of thunder outside the windows. And the price of beans slowly crept down and then, like a tropical downpour, hit the ground. That's OK - it was a downpour in Chicago, but nobody grows soybeans in Chicago. In the heart of the soy belt, 300 miles south of Chicago, the sky was blue, the sun was shining and the drought was still raging. But no one cared that the rain wasn't irrigating the soybean fields, it was raining in the traders' heads. And that settled the matter. The only thing that matters to the market is what the market reacts to. Only thought and emotion are in play".
Moons of the moon. I wanted to take the temperature ratios of the two countries and make graphs for the sake of interest. But one problem arose, which one should take the temperature of the capitals, the national average or something else...))
gumgum >>: Но возникла одна проблема, какую брать темперауру столиц, сред. по стране или еще какую...)))

For Russia, this "average" approach clearly does not work :)

artikul >>:
Отрывок из книги «Новые Гэтсби». Место действия — Чикагская биржа.
gumgum >>:
Луны луны. Я хотел ради интереса взять отношения температур двух стран и составить графики. Но возникла одна проблема, какую брать темперауру столиц, сред. по стране или еще какую...)))

the more options the better!
Mathemat >>:

Для России такой подход - "в среднем" - явно не покатит :)

That's why the spread is so high on rouble pairs.

peco >>:

чем больше вариантов, тем лучше!

As with the network more more inputs MORE MORE)))
gumgum >>:

Как с сетью больше больше входов ЕЩЕ больше МНОГО БОЛЬШЕ)))

So then it's simple - run it through a multi-factor analysis!))
peco >>:

Так а потом все просто - на многофакторный анализ прогнать!)))

Do the following. Take k grids first grid of n inputs . k network of (n+k) inputs. The second layer analyses all nets and gives the IDEAL answer)))