My next "masterpiece" - page 9

To get it poured, come to work early when the cleaner is just starting work.
Mathemat >>:
Чтобы наливало, приходи на работу пораньше, когда уборщица только начинает работать.

I personally am a hardened realist, so I believe in the influence of lunar phases and solar activity on the market. I am sure that many people on this forum feel uncomfortable with new moons, and elderly people do not tolerate days of solar activity. Also, the sun has a tremendous influence on the earth and life on earth in particular. After all, we exist because of the sun. The sun is unfairly called a yellow dwarf, a sort of miserable, unremarkable luminary. However, this is not true at all. Our Star is unique in many ways and to find a similar to it is extremely difficult. Yes, there are many more Stars, but they do not shine steadily and therefore life around them is impossible. Since the Sun and Moon have such an unqualified influence on the Earth, it would be foolish to deny their influence on the markets too, for they are derived systems of living organisms.
McCormick's Stock Market Strategies does a good job of that. His advisors on lunar phases and the sun work much better than the classical technical analysis.
We trade on the sun in a different way: calculate the number of spots and correlate it with the market. By the way, McCormick's sun trading is much more effective than moon trading.
There are also white dwarfs. These are not to be confused with yellow dwarfs. They are at different stages of evolution and they are completely different stars.
C-4 >>: Солнце не заслужено называют желтым карликом, неким таким убогим непримечательным светилом.

Basil, that's quite a common classification adopted by astronomers. There is no place for evaluations of the type of wretchedness.

It is indeed a very small star, not particularly remarkable in its physical characteristics. But I am not going to belittle its role in our lives.

C-4 >>:
А я вот лично прожженный реалист, поэтому верю во влияние лунных фаз и солнечной активности на рынок.

Everything has been turned upside down. Actually, it's not the moon that affects the market, but the market affects the moon. And, by the way, so does the news.

valenok2003 >>:

Всё с ног на голову поставили. Вообще - то не луна на рынок влияет, а рынок влияет на луну. И, кстати, на новости тоже.

What is the physics of this phenomenon?
Mathemat >>:

Это действительно совсем небольшая звездочка, ничем особым по своим физическим характеристикам не примечательная. Но я не собираюсь умалять ее роль в жизни нас всех.

I do not agree that our star is unremarkable. By the way, there are very few stars known (among millions of known ones) which would be almost identical to our star in terms of their characteristics. Life is a fragile thing. The slightest deviation (on a cosmological scale) from certain parameters (mass, radiation, temperature, flare strength) means that life cannot exist. The Sun is one of the few luminaries that have the "right" characteristics.
You are saying the same thing I am saying, only in different words. I said: "in its physical characteristics." And then I added about life.
Lem seems to have had a story which transcribes a conversation between two aliens (a professor and a student), in which the professor mocks the student for his hypothesis that life is possible if the conditions are not met: pressure of thousands of atmosphere masses, enough methane in the liquid phase, etc.