Connecting via 3G modem, need help. - page 6

dated30txl >>:

вот файл

I'm sorry. I should have written it in English.

I can tell you one thing, the demo-server itself is rejecting you, it doesn't want to connect to you.... why? .... hmmm...Your terminal seems to be from another broker, maybe you registered your account in the wrong place...
Download a "proprietary" terminal and use it to set up your account.

I've been using 3G, but I've stopped using it because it cuts out. I connected through a landline phone, the breakage has been the only one for a couple of months so far. BUT history is the same, while there is no aneta in service teh potpozhdenija not to call - well all them now call..., so that in what the reason and whether the standard cure will help it is unknown. and communication can not be for 3G though week (mtss), As at cellular operators no yes there are overloads directly at your site communications (that is alternative cell communications at the modem will not - cell cellular towers vorkrug you) my advice to you as the former - to boot it 3G on vfik.

al.k >>:
могу вам сказать одно вас отфутболивает непосредственно demo-сервер, не хочет с вами устанавливать соединение....почему?....хммм..Терминал у вас походу от другого брокера, может вы счет не там зарегали...
Скачайте "фирменный" терминал и через него зарегайте счет.

??? What does it have to do with terminal, password, etc.? A normal ping doesn't work. Without any terminal - from the command line. The ping to my DC's server is normal, but not to his.


By the way! I checked ping to your address and it's not working for me too (I'm in Moscow, Stream). You didn't confuse something with address?

I pinged - from your ping picture. But the one you gave in your post: - everything is OK.

So what's the address???))

Svinozavr >>:

??? При чем тут терминал, пароль и пр.? Обыкновенный пинг не проходит. Без всякого терминала - из командной строки.

Ping is not an goes off within ten seconds and notice it has no effect on the network connectivity of the computers

Svinozavr >>:

Так какой адрес???)))

The terminal learns IP addresses by resolving the server name, see the DNS responses if memory serves something like

al.k >>:

Пинг это не показатель...отключается в течении десяти секунд и замете это ни как не повлияет на сетевое взаимодействие компьютеров

What? You do realise there is no computer with this address? Terminal, password, etc. have nothing to do with it. Neither me, nor the author. I don't think you will either. The address is wrong. And I never understood which address the author needs. I sent one to support, it pings the other. (The one to support just works.)

al.k >>:

IP адреса терминал узнает делая резолв имени сервера, айпишники смотрите в DNS ответах если не изменяет память что-то на

It's simpler - the addresses are coded in the *.srv files in the terminal's config folder.


You should have read the thread from the beginning - no offence.

Svinozavr >>:

Чего??? Вы понимаете, что компа с таким адресом нет?

Why not? Because it's not pinginging? Pinging is not a means of determining if a computer is available on the network....Computer can be made invisible to ping if ICMP type 8 or 0 (I don't remember exactly) is disabled, some firewalls allow this.

Svinozavr >>:

Все проще - адреса забиты в файлах *.srv в папке config терминала.

I've seen the files, the addresses aren't great...