Connecting via 3G modem, need help. - page 4


didn't work
FxPro2 >>:
мой комп. правой кнопкой-управление-службы и приложения-службы- Брандмауэр Windows/Общий доступ к Интернету (ICS) двойной клик по ней отключить (сама служда в каталоге сверху), далее надо отключить Центр обеспечения безопасности находится в каталоге внизу. Если работать не будет включай назад. Перезагружать не обязательно

Didn't work. OK... Thanks, I'm waiting to hear back from the provider.

If there is a ping, it's not the ISP, there's a problem with the system or antivirus ... But I think I've checked everything.
take node down and it will work, the problem has arisen more than once...
xeon >>:
снесите нод и все заработает, проблема возникала неоднократно..

If you take Noda down, install Dr.Web, it's never been a problem.

xeon >>:
снесите нод и все заработает, проблема возникала неоднократно..

But why only to a particular DC? Mine was pinged.


Can't you ask someone else who is also connected to it to ping it? You're not the only client at your ISP. I don't think it's a problem to find them, you can post a message on some local forum. You're not going to ask them to install a terminal. Just ping them.

Just check if it will work, then set up Noda, put the terminal on the ignore list, and that's it. Find out what's causing it, and then deal with the antivirus somehow.
I have no antivirus, no firewall, but it's still the same. I will tell you the result later.
If I were you, I would install a packet sniffer and from the incoming packets I think it would be obvious why there is no could just install Outpost Security Suite, it shows in the logs which packets are blocked and on which port
Does MTS have a CDMA standard, like GSM....CDMA, which is another standard supported by e.g. SKYLINK