Avalanche - page 39

Roger >>:

Я тоже вас всех не понимаю, кто вас за язык тянет? Ну, оставили бы безумного наедине с его мыслями, он же ни у кого денег не просит, на свои будет рисковать, рассказал свое видение вопроса, ищет единомышленников. Нет, каждому надо обозвать его плохими словами и посмеяться, как будто у каждого уже есть беспроигрышная система, просто ему лениво делиться. По Жванецкому - "Запах, он чем хорош? Не нравиться - отойди. Не хочешь, чтобы воняло - отойди." Оставьте это тем, кто заинтересован и хочет выяснить какие-нибудь вопросы.

Are you then going to let Niroba mock you and peddle some bullshit too?
It's one thing to be deluded, to search, to argue...
It's another to mislead.
I don't want this forum to stink

Yes, the topic is interesting to everyone precisely because everyone, in one way or another, is looking for their own grail... and in their hearts they hope it exists.
Maybe this is it! Maybe something brilliant.
After all, Copernicus proved that the earth goes around the sun, not the other way round...

But we walked in and were convinced that here it is again... Again and again... Again and again the same old predicted and calculated Martin.
And the active discussion is most likely because the topicstarter is too confident. He doesn't even want to use a basic calculator and calculate the difference between one profit and one loss:)

To topicstarter: Still, I would like to see you in six months.

Anyway, good luck. Determination and self-confidence, in any case, is good. Especially for a trader. Even if he is deluded. We've all been wrong before... And maybe even now we are mistaken.
avatara писал(а) >>

Are you then going to let Niroba mock you and peddle some bullshit too?
It's one thing to be deluded, to search, to argue...
It's another to mislead.
I don't want this forum to stink.

If no one responded to him, in my opinion, the thread would quickly go into oblivion.And then Niroba just gives out predictions, and here was a claim on MTS.
And you have a strong bias against Martin, in reasonable doses it's very good help.
Roger >>:
И к Мартину у вас сильное предубеждение, в разумных дозах очень даже неплохое подспорье.

lexandros >>: И я прекрасно помню этот замечательный и солнечный день в феврале 2008 года. Евро/бакс поболтавшись в коридорчике из своих стандартных 50 пунктов - и увиличив лот с 0.1 до до 51.2 ( как раз десять шагов) стремительно рванулась и практически безоткатно в течение 2-х часов пробежала вверх почти полторы тысячи пунктов... Все... алес... естественно коля моржов пришел гораздо раньше чем цена остановилась... я еще с полчаса тупо смотрел в монитор - наблюдая как цена продолжает идти... и откатываться и не думает... (откатилась кстати только недели через две, насколько я помню).
Great story.
I found this trend from 07.02.08 to 17.03.08, indeed almost a thousand and a half pips. Throughout this trend the maximum pullback was about 200 pips - and it was extremely short-lived.
You brought up an ancient problem. By that time, I understood that you were 6 years old. Nevertheless, some devil made you change your ways and rush into this whirlpool. It turns out that even such a long experience is no guarantee against rash actions...
Roger >>:

Если бы ему никто не отвечал, по моему мнению, ветка быстро бы ушла в небытие.И потом Нироба просто выдает прогнозы, а здесь была претензия на МТС.
И к Мартину у вас сильное предубеждение, в разумных дозах очень даже неплохое подспорье.

No, it's not. It's just the opposite. Really, I don't think of it as Martin. It's just that if the pivot is inaccurate, we can be a little bit greedy with amplification.

And there's no way: price went the wrong way - we'll win it back.


Just averaging(amplification) of the position by the market.

Mathemat >>:
Великолепный рассказ.
Нашел я этот тренд с 07.02.08 по 17.03.08, действительно почти полторы тыщи пунктов. На всем протяжении этого тренда максимальный откат был порядка 200 пунктов - и то крайне кратковременный.
Вы подняли одну древнюю проблему. К тому времени, как я понял, Ваш стаж уже был лет 6. Тем не менее какой-то черт толкнул Вас сменить привычный порядок вещей и броситься в этот омут. Получается, что даже такой немаленький стаж - никакая не гарантия от необдуманных поступков...

Experience, however bitter, is experience... Perhaps it depends on the personal qualities of each individual. I must be an adventurer by nature... Now I remember this story with a hint of irony. However, at the time I was literally tearing my hair out for my own idiocy:)
BUT! It gave me a lot. It gave me a deeper understanding of the market. Understanding in the sense that the market cannot be predicted. The market cannot be predicted, and the "grail", at least based on martin, is guaranteed to fail. Sooner or later Kolya will ring the doorbell. It is much worse when he calls at the peak of his ascent and when the impression is already clearly formed in his head that you are the master of the world. That's when you're about to have a heart attack or go crazy.
I'm sitting here pecking away at my seeds... at 10-15% a month. If it's stable for a long time... I'd say 10% a month is a good way to live...
But I'm still looking for the grail:)
Even now I occasionally get inspired by a new idea... and periodically lose a hundred quid on another newly invented "wheel"... I'm philosophical about it... Nowadays, a hundred quid in losses isn't critical... It's more of a tickle of the nerves.
Otherwise life becomes uninteresting:)))
Roger +100
Very eloquent reflection of the martingale:)
in 2131 days~almost six years. 23 per cent profit. From a rather impressive initial deposit of $100,000. At the same time having enormous risks :)
Even if we take minimal profitable bank, like Sberbank with its 8-10% per annum. We obtain at least twice as much. With minimal risks and complete absence of any nervousness.
If you include the possibility of reinvestment. Or serious investment. And for such a serious amount as 100000 Bacha - you can find a reliable and sufficiently profitable fund. On the order of 20-30% per annum with minimal risk. for such investments are obligatorily insured. Then, imho, it is even ridiculous to compare.
A good example.

If everyone is saying in one voice that it's a bullshit TS, then think about it... that's what the 98% say, with 1-2% of them being cunning assholes who make their own money on it. If everyone is saying the same thing, then think about it... If someone bans something, it means that it is something that can hurt them and help the recipients of the ban... All critics of the proposed TS are traders with "tunnel thinking" (my avatar confirms this), and they are known to be the majority, as above said, a couple of them are sly-asses.