Avalanche - page 286

gpwr >>:

Уж больно много тут развелось народа с постами типа "Я испробовал все стратегии и удостоверился что профитная торговля на рынке новозможна. Давайте, доказывайте что я не прав, и лучше на примерах, и с прикреплённым кодом".

No fooling around.

Do you, Yitsuken, realise what this strategy is all about? It's very simple. We take profits on the trend, and we wait out the flat, increasing rates on the flat channel borders. The precondition for success - flat is not eternal. If we are lucky to reach the MC in the necessary direction - all people are having fun and rejoicing. No - well... no...
ALL. This is the basic and only tactic in Avalanche. What is it you don't understand here so much that you accuse others of being nihilistic about the profitability of trading in general? Don't you know any other mind games besides orlanka? Bura there, sika... point... I recommend it before the alien personality displaces the human one.

gpwr >>:

Не вами, другими. Ответил на ваш пост о моем "иезуитстве", которым вы посчитали мою просьбу к флудильщикам перестать просить о доказательствах профитности мартингейла. По-моему мой ответ был уместен. Если нет, то прошу прощения.
a friend of mine was also trying to understand this topic.
FreeLance писал(а) >>
A friend of mine has been trying to understand this subject too.

You should deal with your charts, and then talk about catch and mortar... they are so funny, who does not understand them, they will sell everything!
ortv >>:


только кому тогда нужна такая прибыль за 10 лет? ))

I agree that the profits are small, but that's a matter for the amateur and that's a separate issue that needs to be resolved. I just wanted to show that the trading system presented on this forum and the programme based on it can work for a long time without losing money.
genfed >>:
Согласен, прибыли маловато, но это на любителя и это отдельный вопрос, требующий разрешения. Я всего-лишь хотел показать, что представленная на этом форуме торговая система и программа по ней могут долго работать без слива.
The quality of an avalanche advisor should be measured in the number of initial deposits earned between adjacent plums :-)))
khorosh писал(а) >>
The quality of an avalanche advisor should be measured in the number of initial deposits earned between adjacent plums.:-)))

Ok, how did you do in your EA, as I wrote above, limit the number of knees with a rearrangement of the corridor?
rumata1984 писал(а) >>


The key point is how to make sure that the lot does not reach the limit. I.e. getting the EA to work with a small number of flips?

This is not the only solution - you can narrow the channel and reduce the lot multiplication factor or change the "target profit" from the number of iterations (and one independent of the other)

I'm "having fun"!!!, considering only supposedly "indicatorless techniques", but you can also plug in "classic TA" to change channel parameters or coefficients.

Entering the first trade is not up for discussion. The topic of this thread is tactics, but not strategy (in case someone hasn't understood yet).

SergNF писал(а) >>

Entering the first trade is out of the question. The topic of this thread is tactics, but not strategy (in case anyone else hasn't realised).

The mice come to the wise owl for advice on how to avoid being eaten by cheeky cats. The owl tells them: "Become hedgehogs. If you are prickly, no one will eat you!" The delighted mice ran home, then came to their senses and went back to the owl. "Owl, tell me, how do we become hedgehogs?" And Owl answered: "My business is strategy!"
Tantrik >>:

Да вы с графиками своими разберитесь, а потом уж об ловине и мортине..(об святом).. они такие прикольные кто их не понимает тому всё сольют!

Have you ever had such hiccups? After all, the graphic construction of all sorts of channels, and especially their intersections in the future is also the "holy grail of the inner spirit"... :)

And martingale is a thing!

If used wisely (i.e. not out of the blue) and with good capital. ;)

Good luck to you too!

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

The mice come to the wise owl for advice on how to avoid being eaten by insolent cats. The owl tells them: "Become hedgehogs. If you are prickly, no one will eat you!" The thrilled mice ran home, came to their senses and went back to the owl. "Owl, tell me - how do we become hedgehogs?" And Owl answered them: "My business is strategy!

- I have ATSs (I still trade by hand, because I cannot formalize anything :( ), in which I use trawl of profitable positions and close unprofitable ones.

- A long time ago I wrote researched a lot of EAs using Martins (and the variants described in the "zombie" ala the vastness of the internet and my own "logical assumptions") - Not impressed (to put it mildly).

- The thread about "Lovina", in an hour of slacking off from basic mental activity :), got me thinking, and why, in my "gaming" MTS'a, instead of closing a loss, "flipping Martin" ((c) from khorosh Was there such a term in those old days - I do not remember, and now I do not even read about Martin, so for me this term from khorosh )

Personally, I wrote (quickly) "trawl unprofitable positions" and sporadically look at the demo where a bunch of EAs are standing.

The mice come to the wise owl to ask for advice... The owl tells them

The fact that forum users do not know how to filter the "incoming bazaar" (how many threads overflowed with flooding - well, someone blurted out that he tested until 2011) and, moreover, can not contain the results of their life indicates that they ... that all their posts can be ignored - not even a withered kernel of an idea in their posts ever.

ZS. The last paragraph is probably not clear. The appeal is not how to quickly read a given thread, ignoring the posts of, for example, yo, but that even reading something on the fence, you should not be surprised by the wood under it, but ... turn on your side-eye in order to pounce on the picket fence. :)

ZSU. Corrected "copyright". Had to reread the thread back to see who used the term "overturned Martin" in this thread.