Avalanche - page 284

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
How can a man who's done nothing and can't even do anything be a winner? )

Read more carefully. (>> JK.

And don't confuse my "logic-thinking", that's why I put inverted commas. ))

genfed >>:
Увеличим депозит до 10000, тогда не будет слива.


but then who needs that kind of profit in 10 years? ))

E_mc2 писал(а) >>


The system is in profit... but there are 90 trades there... I opened it half a year ago.I'm tired of playing with demo games. I don't needinvestors . I don't need investors. I just do it every time I remember. Well, it works fine on the real.

1) I don't understand how a TC with MO = -0.21 can have a profit factor = 78 (a huge figure for PF) at the same time?

Let's make a deal: if you want to clown around and distract the public from the essence of the problem, then I'll just summarize in your direction. And that will be the end of our dialogue. Agreed?

2) 90 deals - doesn't meet my requirement. Fourth time I've written this.....

3) What fucking investors? What are you? Are you out of your fucking mind? Don't even mention that word in vain.

4) I agree. ))) It's always like that. On the demo every once in a while. But on the real - well, I'd love to see it.

Show me something from this, your ..... >> I love reality. I haven't loved it in a long time.

lasso писал(а) >>

Question for everyone:

Does anyone have a real example (demo, real, screenshots, Excel, anything, just prove) of using a similar TS, only using MARTIN (in any of its manifestations) and positive results (with a statistically reliable volume of transactions) ???

IMHO. If the TS has no positive expectations on a constant lot --- NO MARTIN WILL NOT BE A WAY TO DO IT.

Convince me of this.... Please .........

Martingale, or avalanche in Russian :) in the form described by the author will not give an advantage. It seems to be mathematically already proved. Read, for example, on aglitz wikipedia:


"Players using the Martingale system do not have any long-term mathematical advantage over any other betting system or even randomly placed bets."

On the same page, it reads:

"The strategy had the gambler double his bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus win a profit equal to the original stake. Since a gambler with infinite wealth will, with probability 1, eventually flip heads, the Martingale betting strategy was seen as a sure thing by those who advocated it. Of course, none of the gamblers in possession of infinite wealth, and the exponential growth of the bets would eventually bankrupt those who chose to use the Martingale.

You ask what the avalanche is for then? The answer is: mathematical analysis, which proves that eagle-players will go bankrupt if they use martingale, is applicable only when the outcome of one transaction does not depend on previous ones and the probability of winning remains constant at 50/50. For example, in a 21-point (blackjack) game, this is not the case. Getting out of a deck of small cards increases the probability of reaching 20 or 21 points. That's why 21 players very often use a form of martingale, counting the cards and the probability of winning. Only apply a martingale to the market if the probability of profit increases with each losing trade. Otherwise you will inevitably lose. I've already written about it. Then a related question arises: how do we know the profit probability will increase? Theoretically, the longer we sit in flat (where losses start to grow) the more probable its end. An endless flat is impossible. That is why avalanche (or martingale) has some theoretical basis. But practically it leads to an inevitable loss in case additional entering conditions, that block an avalanche at a possible prolonged flat, are not added. Here we have another question: how to recognize a long flat? Advice?

lasso >>:

1) Не понимаю как у ТС с МО = -0,21 может одновременно существовать профит факторе = 78 (огромная цифра для ПФ)?

Давай договоримся: если вы хотите паясничать и отвлекать публику от сути проблемы, тогда я просто финально резюмирую в вашу сторону. И на этом наш диалог закончится. Договорились?

2) 90 сделок - не соответствует моему требованию. Четвертый раз об этом пишу.....

3) Какие, нах, инвесторы? Вы что? Совсем ку-ку? Даже не упоминайте это слово всуе.

4) Согласен. ))) Это всегда так. На демо через раз. А на реале - ну прям, Залюбуешься.

ПОКАЖИТЕ что нибудь с этого, вашего е.... реала, люблю реалити, ДАВНЕНЬКО НЕ ЛЮБОВАЛСЯ

It is your problem whether you understand how it can exist or not. Watch the monitoring there and it says it all.

I agree with you on the real thing, it's really great. The demo is the demo, it's in the background.

Maybe you also need the keys to the flat where the money is? I don't give a shit about proving anything. If you're not satisfied with monitoring, it's your problem again))

By the way, the profit factor is really good, isn't it? 78 isn't bad, is it? And this is with a minus mathematical expectation. Aggregate profit exceeds the loss 78(!!) Times. That's not bad at all for me)

By the way, show me the real, show me the real... What kind of tax inspector are you?) He's a smart guy. He is not satisfied with monitoring, he wants real. He himself would not even show a lousy monitoring)).

I don't think I can afford even a very long series of losing streaks) Although they do not and cannot take place).

gpwr писал(а) >>

Martingale, or in Russian avalanche :) in the form described by the author will not give an advantage. It is kind of mathematically already proven. Read for example on aglitska wikepidia:


"Players using the Martingale system do not have any long-term mathematical advantage over any other betting system or even randomly placed bets."

On the same page, it reads:

"The strategy had the gambler double his bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus win a profit equal to the original stake. Since a gambler with infinite wealth will, with probability 1, eventually flip heads, the Martingale betting strategy was seen as a sure thing by those who advocated it. Of course, none of the gamblers in possession of infinite wealth, and the exponential growth of the bets would eventually bankrupt those who chose to use the Martingale.

You ask what the avalanche is for then? The answer is: mathematical analysis, which proves that eagle-players will go bankrupt if they use martingale, is applicable only when the outcome of one transaction does not depend on previous ones and the probability of winning remains constant at 50/50. For example, in a 21-point (blackjack) game, this is not the case. Getting small cards out of the deck increases the probability of reaching 20 or 21 points.

2) That's why 21 players very often use a form of martingale, counting cards and probability of winning. Only apply a martingale to the market if the probability of profit increases with each losing trade. Otherwise you will inevitably lose. I've already written about it. Then a related question arises: how do we know the profit probability will increase? Theoretically, the longer we sit in flat (where losses start to grow) the more probable its end. An endless flat is impossible. That is why avalanche (or martingale) has some theoretical basis. But practically it leads to an inevitable loss in case additional entering conditions, that block an avalanche at a possible prolonged flat, are not added. Here we have another question: how to recognize a long flat? Any tips?

1) I agree with you, you agree with me, most (I hope) agree with us. So what are these 284 pages about, then???

Can you tell?

2) You personally used this technique in the casino on six decks in the shoe? If interested in their (players in 21) feelings, let me know....

lasso >>:

2) Вы лично использовали эту технику в казино на шести колодах в башмаке? Если интересны их (игроков в 21) ощущения, дайте знать....

I can confess without fear of being put on the "gamblers" list.

I was once dragged by a group of friends, who lived there and could not refuse.

Used a shortened martin, kept track of the rest of the deck (lateral memory) and arrival. Played 2-3 other people, well the casino... ;)

What was the result?

Andrenaline, booze, food and smokes for free.

With 500$ came in and with 520$ came out.

Although the amplitude was from 280 to 780...


That's why I didn't make a conclusion about grail. And the education does not allow. ;)

lasso >>:

1) Не понимаю как у ТС с МО = -0,21 может одновременно существовать профит факторе = 78 (огромная цифра для ПФ)?

The lines are off, PF=2.85, MO=19.01
goldtrader >>:
Там строчки съехали, ПФ=2.85, МО=19.01

So Onyx shows bullshit)) Helps investors to fool))

You know, I'm probably an alien too, and that's why I won't ask in a human voice a question: haven't you tried to turn your head?

The essence of this TC is exactly the overlap of the increasing volume of the lot of a prolonged flat. And here gpwr (apparently, a smart man - or not?) in the context of Avalanche interested by the separation of the trend and "protracted flat". Like it is possible to live (albeit fuckey), and if you know it, then even nothing. // I cried...

Dear "ytzuken"! Why do you need such a strategy if you know the difference between a flat and a trend? What for?

God... How many aliens there are among us...