Avalanche - page 166

Mathemat писал(а) >>
In general, translations of most financial works are really awful: you read Russian and see an English phrase that the translator tried to translate adequately.

I recently saw a can of paint in a shop. I read what it said. The instructions on the can had about 20 spelling mistakes. What kind of spelling mistakes? I get it wrong sometimes, but there's even two misspellings per word. The paint was made in China. I didn't buy it just in case.

Mathemat >>:
Вообще переводы большинства финансовых работ действительно ужасны: читаешь русский и видишь английскую фразу, которую аффтар перевода пытался перевести адекватно.

And not just financially. I get that "you read Russian and see an English phrase" feeling you get when you read, say, fiction too.

In my view, it all started with perestroika, when they started translating anything and anyone. And what a school of translators it was...

What about China - it's standard and well known.
Take the translation of Bill Williams, both of his works. You could have found a good translator for him. It's not even about economic education: his Russian is terrible, and his punctuation is a mess.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

What a tough idiot you got there.
Listen to me you dumb dumb oaf.

fourth order = 60.0 (open with volume 40.0, fixed loss at the moment of opening 1600)

fifth order = 120.0 (open with 80.0 volume, fixed loss at the moment of opening 3200)

Why are you being so... rude to Avtar. It doesn't matter how much the loss is 1600 or 3200. The main thing is to have a reserve account!

Tantrik >>:

Ну зачем вы так.. на Автара...грубо. Какая разница сколько убыток 1600 или 3200. Главное иметь запасной счёт! и выход!.

I don't understand whether he's a troll or a real dumbass. If he's a troll, that makes sense. But if he's dumb, I'm amazed... there's never been such an armorhead here before. But especially infuriating amid his stupid nonsense is his phraseology type payback will come, read carefully, otherwise this is a lie. very annoying when a man climbs out of his skin that scorch yourself smart, and still blatantly accuses everyone that they are stupid do not understand his genius calculations.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

I don't understand whether he's a troll or a real dumbass. If he's a troll, that makes sense. But if he's a dumb-ass, I'm amazed he's ever been so armourheaded. But especially infuriating amid his stupid nonsense is his phraseology type payback will come, read carefully, otherwise this is a lie. very annoying when a man climbs out of his skin that scorch yourself smart, and still blatantly accuses everyone that they are stupid do not understand his genius calculations.

I've talked to him... Yesterday I wrote twice that the TC was out of order for a trivial reason. He didn't notice it... allegedly... he writes the same thing. I meant the time, the order is in the red - 2 days? the other one triggered and again in the red - 100pp distance - a week?
I should have written - it's up to you from here.
E_mc2 >>:

Слушай надоели уже такие умники, с картинками с тестера. Когда придёш с отчётом с реала тогда будешь умничать. А картинками с тестера на форуме метаквотов ты тут никого не впечатлишь. Хватит уже клоунаду разводить с этими картинками. И грубить тут людям не надо. Если так нравица лавина то как ты выразился вали с ней на реал и там умничай. Да и ещё..открой кодебазу раздел советники..там картинки советников будут куда круче твоего убожества. Давай иди туда и посмотри какие там шикарные картинки. И заметь все советники там в свободном доступе. Бери скачивай первый попавшийся советник с красивой картинкой и вперёд на реал. Только сразу шоп побыстрей разбогатеть депо закатай по максимуму на все деньги.

Look, how did I bore you with my post? Did I paint a picture on the wall in your flat? What is my "cleverness"? There's an Avalanche thread, I wrote on the subject. I did not violate the rules of the forum. Anticipating questions such as you screamers attached adviser, 2 pictures. But no, you want to use the real ones. Maybe I don't want to go for real yet? Maybe I want to improve it? Maybe I'm looking for new ideas here? And what makes you think anyone here owes you anything? What are you looking for here anyway? Why are you here? To shit? There's already a lot of shitting going on. Pictures he does not like, make your own forum, set the rules for the pictures are not from real life - BAN. It's not up to you here. Otherwise, you're like a hole in every hole, if you don't like the thread, go away, why bother shitting? You're getting too smart for your own good, like we're discussing stupid shit here and he's fed up with us.

E_mc2 >>:

Какой же однако крепкий идиот попался..
По пункту 1. В МТ 4 выставляешь ордер точно так же как и МТ5 на 3 лота. И точно так же через 20 пипс выходишь в безубыток. В МТ4 ордер 1 = 1 лот, Ордер 2 точно так же как и в МТ 5 выставляешь 3 лота. Первый ордер при активации второго попадёт в лок с убытком 40 х 10.0 = 400. У тебя будет висеть 1 первый ордер, и сработает 3 лота по второму ордеру. Через 20 пипс. По первому ордеру у тебя будет убыток 60*1лот= 600. По ордеру 2 обьёмом 3 лота у тебя будет профит 20*3 = 600. И ты точно так же на МТ 4 как и на МТ 5 через 20 пипс выходишь в безубыток. Скажи придурок где на МТ5 будет выход в безубыток в два раза быстрей?? На МТ4 то есть с локом выход в безубыток будет точно таким же как и на нетинге в МТ5. Всё завист от обьёма ордеров а не от локов или их отсутсвия, только ты своей башкой тупой не можешь даже элементарной математики за первый клас посчитать.

По пункту 2. В МТ4 точно так же выставляешь второй ордер на 2 лота. При его активации у тебя будет лок. Будет висеть 1 ордер на 1 лот и сработает второй ордер на 2 лота. Черз 40 пипс по первому ордеру убыток будет 80*1лот=800 по второму ордеру будет профит 40*2лота =800. Точно так же при точно таких же обьёмах ты выходишь в безубыток что на МТ4 с локом что на нетинге МТ5 без локов. И где здесь снижение темпов роста обьёмов,и какой лишний шаг??. Ты что идиот не понимаешь что попадая в лок в МТ4 то по первому ордеру убыток не стоит на месте он тоже растёт. При срабатывании 2 ордера убыток был 40*1= 400 . Если ты хочешь в МТ4 выйти в безубыток через 20 пипс тогда 2 ордер ставишь обьёмом 3 лота и через 20 пипс ты на МТ4 точно так же безубытке как и на МТ5 выставив ордер на теже 3 лота. Если хочешь на МТ4 выйти в безубыток через 40 пип то ставиш 2 ордер на 2 лота и выходишь через 40 пипс в 0. Точно так же как и на МТ5 с нетингом. Вообще без разницы.

лишних шагов, не будет никого увеличения обьёмов. Всё будет одинаково что на МТ4 что на МТ5. А ты придурок крайне тупоголовый. Ты в жизни ни разу не торговал на реале. ВОзьми демку да проверь хоть что ты мелешь. Ох ты и бесишь своей тупоголовость..давненько уже такого тупаря тут не было на форуме.
Да забыл добавить. Считай внимательней.

You do not understand the difference between MT4 and MT5. In MT4 if you place a second order of volume 3, it will open with volume 3 regardless of the first order. In MT5 if you place a second order with volume 3, it will open with volume 2 (the volume of the first order will be deducted from its volume 1). Since you don't understand the difference between the orders with volume 2 and 3, I will address your words to you:

E_mc2 >>
What a tough idiot you are .
On point 1: In MT4 you place an order the same way as in MT5 for 3 lots. And in exactly the same way in 20 pips you go to Breakeven. In MT4 order 1 = 1 lot, order 2 is set in the same way as in MT5, you put 3 lots. When you activate the second order, the first order will hit the lot with a loss of 40 x 10.0 = 400. You will have 1 first order, and 3 lots on the second order will trigger. In 20 pips. On the first order, you will incur a loss of 60*1lots=600. On the second order with the volume of 3 lots, you will have a profit 20*3 = 600. And you in the same way on MT4, as well as on MT5 you go to breakeven after 20 pips. Where on MT5 would you get to Breakeven twice faster, youmoron? You can use MT4, i.e. with a lock, you'll get to the breakeven point in the same way you would on a netting in MT5. All depends on the volume of orders, not on the volume of lots or lack of them,but you, with your dumb brain, cannot even do basic maths in the first grade.

To point 2. In MT4 you also place the second order of 2 lots. When you activate it, you will have a lock. You will see 1 order for 1 lot and the second order of 2 lots will trigger. After 40 pips on the first order, the loss will be 80*1 lot = 800 on the second order will be a profit of 40*2 lots = 800. In the same way, with exactly the same volumes you reach the breakeven, both on MT4 with the lot and on netting MT5 without lots. Where is the decrease in the growth rate of volumes, and what extra step? If you do not understand that getting into the lot in MT4, the loss on the first order does not stand still, it also grows. When 2 orders triggered the loss was 40*1 = 400. If you want to breakeven on MT4, after 20 pips, then place a 2nd order of 3 lots and after 20 pips you are at MT4, just as breakeven on MT5, placing an order of the same 3 lots. If you want to breakeven on MT4, after 40 pips, you put 2 order of 2 lots and go through 40 pips to 0. In the same way as on MT5 with netting. It makes no difference at all.

You won't see any extra steps and there will be no increase in volumes. Everything will be the same whether on MT4 or MT5. And you are an extremely stupid idiot. You've never traded on the real market. Take a demo and check out what you're talking about. You're a pain in the ass.It's been a long time since I've had a dumbass like you on this forum.
I forgot to add. Read it carefully.

Shoot yourself...

E_mc2 >>:


Who are you trying to open your eyes to...?

Arrogance and impudence are far more annoying than stupidity.

"Hit the wall" or "Drink yada yada."