Avalanche - page 129

If John had called his TS "WC", but it wasn't so much in doubt, the nature of the discussion in this thread would have been very different. )))
JonKatana >>:

Знаете, кому с древних времен люди придумывали смешные, обидные (в их понимании) или унизительные прозвища? Самому страшному своему врагу, которому им нечего было противопоставить. Прозвище уменьшало страх. Поэтому саблезубого тигра называли драной кошкой и т. д. Вспомните "Маугли" - там многое правда. А вспомните, как вы называете за глаза своих начальников?

JonKatana, stop arguing. So many people can't be wrong.

This topic has outlived its usefulness. You're certainly talented, but come up with something new. Good luck.

JonKatana писал(а) >>

The purpose of trolling is to throw people off balance and get them to write nonsense. I, without using a single method of trolling and stating only valid, proven and verified ideas and calculations, have driven all the trolls and flooders in this thread to a powerless frenzy.

Once again - I appeal to reasonable people: think about the purpose of the trolls who write anything as long as it is irrelevant to the topic of discussion.

Listen, Iron John. I thought I called you that, but I didn't mean it like I do now. Now iron means dumb. I've been arguing with you recently about a 4-lot position that closed with a loss and the opposite one - breakeven. You were being told that the loss would be the same and you decreased it by using the deposit that was released when all the positions were closed. Remember? I shouldn't have bet money with you back then. Not to clean you up, but to show others that you're stupid.
I have always liked people with unconventional thinking, approach, manner of negotiating, positioning, myself trying to behave this way, in my business it gives good results, from collecting debts to seducing prosecutors and investigators. Any, even the most crazy ideas and thoughts have the right to be implemented with a certain approach. But... you're full of bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
You're really iron... shit...

JonKatana >>:

Цель троллинга - вывести человека из равновесия и заставить его писать ахинею.

And you (hee-hee) write nonsense even in an equilibrium state.

So-called trolling is the only sensible response to all the nonsense you (hee-hee) inspirationally generate and call reasonable. Exactly you do, because homo sapiens who understand electronic commerce at least a little bit, cannot compare "four" and "five" in such a way.

You (hee-hee) will not be forgotten here, no matter how hard you (hee-hee) try.

JonKatana >>:

Знаете, кому с древних времен люди придумывали смешные, обидные (в их понимании) или унизительные прозвища? Самому страшному своему врагу, которому им нечего было противопоставить. Прозвище уменьшало страх. Поэтому саблезубого тигра называли драной кошкой и т. д. Вспомните "Маугли" - там многое правда. А вспомните, как вы называете за глаза своих начальников?

So now you're trolling. You claimed in the previous post that you're giving reasonable facts and verified calculations here, but that's a lie. I'll prove it. In your first post, you wrote that to get into profit it would be enough for the price to pass the width of the channel. What kind of proven calculations are you talking about now? If you were a real trader, you would have realized right after the 3rd U-turn that the B/B level was rising and it would take more pips to get to the B/B level. But you didn't even know these basic things. It's instantly obvious that you've never traded that TS. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking such outright nonsense. But when you were told that the equity is not enough to open an order you started raving about the balance and the money on the balance, you immediately realized that you've never traded, how can you not understand the difference between the equity and the balance. You think that everyone here is an idiot and that you can play dumb with ease. You'd better learn how to calculate your breakeven level... otherwise you'll get a landslide...
Stop with the bullshit, people, not in the market. Everyone is like a bazaar babka. Let's not get personal!!!
JonKatana писал(а) >>

Once again - I appeal to reasonable people: think of the purpose of trolls who write anything as long as it is not relevant to the topic of discussion.

John, please explain one simple thing:
- You give the people a weapon to enrich themselves in the belief that it works,
- You don't use it yourself, you haven't even tested it.
1. What is the reason for not using your method?
2. Do you think it is risky to recommend to people what you have not personally tested?

nikat97 писал(а) >>
Folks stop with the bazaar, not in the market. Everyone's like bazaar babes. Let's not get personal !!!

You're right. Sorry, I won't. I got a little carried away...

Don't you think it's risky to recommend to people what you haven't personally checked? <br / translate="no">
Yeah, he'll prove it to you and justify it, Alexander.
Somewhere Hegel has a phrase like that if reality does not fit into his scheme, so much the worse for it. But Hegel is an eminent man who has enriched philosophy.
JonKatana >>:

Цель троллинга - вывести человека из равновесия и заставить его писать ахинею. Я, не используя ни одного метода троллинга и излагая только обоснованные, доказанные и проверенные идеи и расчеты, довел всех троллей и флудеров в этой теме до бессильного бешенства.

Еще раз - обращаюсь к разумным людям: подумайте о целях троллей, которые пишут все что угодно, лишь бы это не относилось к теме обсуждения.

I had the same thoughts about the pursuit of hidden agendas by some characters, but it turned out that the reason lies in another plane, and in particular in psychology. Yes, and I counted only four, so do not bother, and if the error, which was pointed out, there is - solve it, itself will be useful, if there is - spit on. I haven't looked at the method myself, as I'm interested in more concise approaches to technical analysis.