Avalanche - page 105

sever29 >>:

Бай закрыли в безубытке, сел в 4 лота закрыли в убытке через 40п. я отдал рынку 46 672 рубля. При чем тут залог, это мои деньги мне их вернули, забудте о них, он (залог) не прибыль и не убыток, а фиксация убыточной позы объемом в 4 лота через 40п. это реальный уменьшение моих денег, с которыми я входил в рынок, на 46 672 рубля. Вы это понимаете? Как это -" После фиксации убытков и возвращения залогов депозит почти не меняется"? Вы с ума сошли? Вы что бред несете? Вы понимаете, что при лоте 4, при каждом пройденом пипсе не в нужную сторону Ваши средства уменьшаеются на 1 166,8 рубля? Залог константа, это Ваши деньги, просто они "заморожены", а тут средства таят с каждым пунктом и при фиксации позы, Вы их больше не увидете и Ваш депозит станет меньше на 46 672 рубля (при возвращенном залоге)!

As long as the orders are open, the deposit is not your money. Otherwise, tell me how to withdraw them from the account without closing the orders. You can't - your statement is a lie.

JonKatana писал(а) >>

As long as the orders are open, the deposit is not your money. Otherwise, tell me how to withdraw them from the account without closing the orders. You can't - your assertion is a lie.

Oh, man... =>

khorosh писал(а) >>

With the same parameters and on the same interval on GBPUSD the test also went without a loss.

What's my point? The fact that it didn't fail is pure luck: your modified algorithm implies only 2 reversals.
And after the 2nd unsuccessful turn, you expect the price to come back. But what if it doesn't?
Let's take your pair GBPUSD and the beginning of testing January 2008. Channel 125p.
Let's say you:
- Bought 0.01 at 2.0125, price went against you,
- 1st reversal: sold 0.08 at 2.0000, price went against you again, (total position sell 0.07),
- Second reversal: you bought 0.64 at 2.0125 and the price went against you again (buy 0.57),
But the price continues to fall and you have a total position to buy 0.57 - what to do?
Wait in the hope that the price will return? Wait for the MC? More often the price comes back, that saves your TS, but can you hope for it?

Mathemat >>:

JonKatana, с какого момента вам пришла в голову блестящая мысль сравнивать залог с убытком?

Ну все, Вам можно расслабиться: Вы вышли в новую финансовую реальность, в которой на убытки можно наплевать - лишь бы они были меньше залога.

The condition of sever29's task was to avoid a total loss of the deposit, i.e. to achieve a margin call. Not to have no losses at all. Under this condition, one can not care about losses, as long as they are less than the refundable deposit - after all orders are closed, the account will have a good part of the deposit. All questions on the conditions of this problem should be addressed to its author, sever29.

lexandros >>:
При лоте 4 залог составляет 1079 долларов (при плече 1:500). А цена 1 пункта составляет 40 долларов
Все просто - при фиксации убытка в -40 пунктов лотом 4. Мы получаем обратно свои 1079 долларов. И теряем навсегда 40*40=1600 долларов. (спред в расчет не берем)

Once again, the condition was to avoid a margin call in the worst conditions for the Avalanche. With the given parameters and closing all orders on the border of the channel, as I wrote, you will avoid the margin call with a huge margin. I have solved the problem.

A bond is a pledge... It's frozen funds to maintain positions... Just in case you go into deep drawdown... If you close before the drawdown exceeds the collateral, you will get it back. If you don't - you may not get the deposit back.
This is called a Margin Call (forced closing of positions, with insufficient collateral). I.e., when the ratio of Equity to Free Margin is less than the threshold set by BC (usually 20-30%) - Kohl's comes. Positions are forcibly closed, starting with the most unprofitable. Exactly to use your pledged funds to cover the loss on the trade.
Open the Web site of any brokerage company... And read the basics of Forex trading and the basic terms and concepts. You need it badly before you do anything in the market.
JonKatana >>:

Условием задачи sever29 было избежать полного слива депозита, то есть достижения маржин-кола. А не выйти без убытков вообще. При таком условии на убытки действительно можно наплевать, пока они меньше возвращаемого залога - после закрытия всех ордеров на счету останется приличная часть депозита. Все вопросы по условиям этой задачи - к ее автору, sever29.

How did you solve it??????
Fucking hell... if it's me or my skis that's fucked up... How the fuck do you have a decent chunk left...? The loss from the drawdown far exceeds the deposit...
At your rate, you're out half the money... Maybe more.
That's a strange decision.
Svinozavr писал(а) >>

But the thing is, even crazy people don't think like that! That's what's scary. Could he be an alien from space with different physical and logical properties?

Not from another space, but from a DC or group of DCs.
Such contagious TCs like Avalanche and Nevetan mix are worse than HIV infection. They spread quickly, take hold, are virtually untreatable, mutate, and are not hindered by distance. At least HIV is not transmitted over the internet yet.

JonKatana >>:

Еще раз - условием задачи было избежать маржин-кола при самых неблагоприятных условиях для "Лавины". При заданных параметрах и закрыв все ордера на границе канала, как я написал, вы с огромным запасом избежите маржин-кола. Задачу я решил.

- Now sit down and put your hands in front of you. Don't be hunched over," said the girl and picked up a piece of chalk. - We're going to do arithmetic... You have two apples in your pocket...
Pinocchio winked slyly:
- You're lying, not one...
- I say," repeated the girl patiently, "suppose you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from your pocket. How many apples have you got left?
- Two.
- Think carefully.
Pinocchio wrinkled his nose, - so good thinking.
- Two...
- Why?
- I will not give Nekt the apple, even if he fights!
- You have no aptitude for mathematics, - said the girl sadly. - Let's do dictation.

Gentlemen, am I the only one who feels like I'm in Ward 6? I'm beginning to have some doubts... Maybe the head starter counts correctly, and it's me crazy?
Even recalculated again on a calculator:). It's really possible to go crazy... from this kind of NLP.