Avalanche - page 104

Yep )))) Why did he dislike Equity so much )))) Maybe when he was a kid he was scared of that curve. )))
ZS... I just have a deposit in quid... Used to use them... In rubles everyone can translate them himself, if he wants to :) The essence of this will not change...

sever29 - you calculated everything correctly... The key player, as the mathematician rightly pointed out, has reached a new financial level:)))) The main thing for him is to get his margins back... Losses don't give a shit...
We are suffering from some bullshit - but it turns out everything is much simpler... Trade as you want - the deposit will not shrink much anyway... The margin will be refunded:)
lexandros писал(а) >>
I recommend the topicstarter to open a trader calculator on the website of any DC... And buy a 2nd grade maths book...
With lot 4 the deposit is $1079 (at 1:500 leverage). And the price of 1 pip is $40
It's simple - when we lock in a loss of -40 pips with lot 4. We get back our $1079. And we lose forever 40*40=1600 dollars. (Spread is not taken into account).

Calculations from school arithmetic...
But apparently the head starter had some other training ... It's not the first time I noticed that he has serious problems with basic arithmetic.

Well, that's right. I honestly do not understand what he does, what 1164rub.


I understand now why he worships his avalanche... if he says anything now, I will give him the investor from the demo on Monday. Where I'll close a 4 lot position at a loss in 40pp.

lexandros >>:
Рекомендую топикстартеру открыть на сайте любого ДЦ калькулятор трейдера... И купить учебник математики за 2-й класс...
При лоте 4 залог составляет 1079 долларов (при плече 1:500). А цена 1 пункта составляет 40 долларов
Все просто - при фиксации убытка в -40 пунктов лотом 4. Мы получаем обратно свои 1079 долларов. И теряем навсегда 40*40=1600 долларов. (спред в расчет не берем)

Расчеты из школьного курса арифметики...
Но видимо топикстартер проходил какое то другое обучение... Уже не первый раз замечаю, что с элементарной арифметикой у него серьезные проблемы.

In addition to what has been highlighted: in this case, if equity is equal to $500 before closing, it will remain equal to $500 after closing as well. Of course, I do not take into account price wandering at closing (slippage and requotes are not for Avalanche fans).

But the topicstarter does not care about that, of course.

Mathemat >>:

JonKatana, с какого момента вам пришла в голову блестящая мысль сравнивать залог с убытком?

Ну все, Вам можно расслабиться: Вы вышли в новую финансовую реальность, в которой на убытки можно наплевать - лишь бы они были меньше залога.

Alexei. Well... I can't even find the words to describe what's going on. If the person was wrong, or sick in the head - that's more or less the case, as they say, worldly.

But the thing is, even crazy people don't think like that. That's what's frightening. Maybe he is an alien from space with other physical and logical properties?

Svinozavr >>:
Но ведь вся штука в том, что даже сумасшедшие так не думают! Вот что пугает.

He doesn't give a shit. He wants to socialise.

PapaYozh >>:

В дополнение к выделенному: при этом, если перед закрытием эквити равно 500 долларов, то и после закрытия оно останется равным 500 долларов. Естественно, я не принимаю во внимание блуждание цены при закрытии (всякие проскальзования и реквоты не для любителей "Лавины").

Но топикстартеру это, естественно, по барабану.

I've said it more than once about equity... He is stubbornly ignoring it for some reason... I decided it was too difficult to understand - so I shifted the subject to the lack of funds for opening another order...
And here's the amazing findings we see, gentlemen:)

Oh, how many wondrous discoveries the spirit of enlightenment brings us....

and you've been banging my brains out for 100 pages! And I thought, what's Brother's strength? Bail, Brother's strength!

I think after the latest statements of the top-starter the topic will deflate itself...
Since even ardent supporters of the avalanche will smell the delirium and insanity of the author of this creation