Avalanche - page 97

JonKatana >>:

Легко - его объем в точности равен сумме объемов закрытых ордеров. И если он не активируется, а цена пойдет в сторону убыточных ордеров и выйдет за минусовую границу канала хотя бы на спред + 1 пункт - вы закроете все эти ордера в прибыли! Ведь свежевыставленный ордер цена не зацепила - а, значит, и убыток вам не надо компенсировать - то есть не надо ждать прохождения расстояния безубытка. А вот теперь вам адресую ваши же слова:

От себя ничего добавлять не буду - когда на улице на вас лает собака, вы же не становитесь на четвереньки и не начинаете гавкать на нее?

What does adding or not adding have to do with it? The balance can increase as much as you like and you can close as many profitable positions as you like. But the Equity will not change one bit. What if the price has not moved in the direction of losing orders? A new order will not be opened, because there is not enough margin. And all your losing positions will be closed with the wording "Margin Call".

Does this not make sense?
JonKatana >>:

Поэтому я повторил ответ.

Yes, I foresaw that objection. So your case isn't the most hopeless :)

It's not just that. I've noticed that your views on the method of trading may change. Previous views may also be part of the answer. If they have changed, it's best to give the original version (or a link) and justify the reason for the change.

In short, if the answer was "I've written before", it is advisable to confirm this with a specific link or quoted text. The experience of running large threads of your own tells you that people rarely read the whole thread and often ask the same questions.

2 khorosh:

Searching in a thread like this where there was some post is below average fun.

Sorry, but that's nizachod: the question was posed to the topicstarter, and he just has to navigate his own thread, since he started it.

If one is interested in the material in the thread he should read everything.

OK, this someone has read the whole thread once and got the "read more carefully" mantra (I've seen it here ten times already, no less). Should I read it again?

artikul >>:

Вы меня наверное убьете, но индикатор перерисовывается на каждом тике. ))) Но делает это условно, поскольку держит одно и тоже значение продолжительное время, пока на рынке не произойдут существеные изменения. Допустим на тике T1 Вы кинули индикатор на график, а на тике T2 вы начинаете считывать значения из буфера. Так вот если Т1 не равно Т2, то вы будете постоянно видеть разные значения. Потому что движение цены, который отражает индикатор будет всегда актуальным относительно того тика с которго он начал работать. Поэтому то, что левее нулевого бара - это картина прошлых движений цены, ценность которой не велика. Ценность представляет последний перепад на желтой и красных линиях. Это то, что происходит сейчас. То что актуально для входа/ выхода или удержания позиции. Сами значения линий условно колеблются от -12 до 12, хотя для желтой этот диапазон обычно значительно уже. Дествовать нужно так - идем по красной линии от нулевого бара влево до тех пор пока значение не изменится. Например -9...........................-9, -7! Стоп. Потом по желтой -1 ...........................-1, 0! Стоп. Дальше смотрим - красная стала ниже, желтая выше - змея голодная, раскрыла пасть шире, значит волатильность нарастает, рынок штурмует на всех ТФ очередной уровень, приближается точка разворота. В любом случае нужно закодировать в советнике свою субъективное понимание того, что Вы видите на индикаторе в separate-window, не пытаться синхронизировать индюк из советника, с индюком на графике. Это разные индюки по своей актуальности. )))

Mm-hmm... Got it... Thanks for the detailed reply... It's just that I'm already forming some thoughts in my head... The more I look at your turkey, the more interesting it seems to me...
I guess I will have to look for objects and analyze them all the same:)
Mathemat писал(а) >>

Yes, I foresaw that objection. So your case is not the most hopeless :)

It's not just that. I've noticed that your views on the method of trading can change. Previous views may also be part of the answer. If they have changed, it's best to give the original version (or a link) and justify the reason for the name change.

In short, if the answer was "I've written before", it is advisable to confirm this with a specific link or quoted text. The experience of running large threads of your own tells you that people rarely read the whole thread and often ask the same questions.

2 khorosh:

Sorry, but that's a nitpick: the question was asked to the topicstarter, and he just has to navigate his own thread once he's started.

OK, this someone has read the whole thread once and got the "read more carefully" mantra (I've seen it here ten times already, no less). Read it again or what?

M, IMHO - the only way to explain something to them, :) is to show a continuous 500-700 point no-stop movement for a couple of days. But of course, this is only if they want to see something. Which is not true - IMHO, they probably just prepare the ground for something in the future. :)

But one can still hope that they are sincerely mistaken. :) Although .... :)
khorosh писал(а) >>

A trend without a pullback is an ideal situation for making money with an avalanche. To judge anything, you have to understand how it works first.

I don't believe it, I... :) And if anyone here is interested in my humble opinion, your avalanche, it's "mega nonsense".

khorosh писал(а) >>

You are wrong, no one is obliged to do anything. If he does, we should be grateful to him, and if he doesn't, we should by no means put it to reproach.
If I have been told to read carefully, then I only blame myself for really missing something, thank goodness that happens rarely as I try to always read carefully.

Your HE (!) - does he even trade himself, or does he only share how to do it?

khorosh писал(а) >>

And yet it spins :-))) How can you believe or disbelieve in something you're not familiar with.

>> Yeah. :))

Waiting for the Avalanche to go on sale... ;)
The soil is fertilised.
Niroba's PR is a thing of the past.
It's time for Neuter cycles and avalanches with rockfall.
lexandros >>:
Да причем здесь добавлять или не добавлять? Баланс может увеличится насколько угодно, и можно сколько угодно закрывать прибыльных позиций. Но величина Equity от этого не измениться ни на йоту. А если цена не пошла в сторону убыточных ордеров? если она пошла как раз таки против? У вас просто не откроется новый ордер - потому что не хватит маржинальных средств. И все ваши убыточные позиции закроются с формулировкой Margin Call.

They will not close. After you close in profit, for example, four orders with a total volume of 0.80, you get all of the deposits back for these orders. And you also place one pending order in the same direction with the same volume of 0.80. In case it opens, the deposit returned will be taken from you again, and it will be the same price as before it was closed (because the volumes are equal). But the profit you closed will remain.

For example: you have 5000 roubles in pledge on plus orders, and your account balance is 1000 roubles. You close these orders, obtaining, for example, 2,000 roubles in profit. On your account you have 5000 (returned pledge) + 1000 (balance) + 2000 (profit). You place a new order of the same volume as the sum of the volumes of the closed ones. It triggers. 5000 goes into the pledge (the volume of the deal is the same), 1000 (the balance) remains, but you also keep 2000. So in total you have 3000 free funds. In reality, it is a little less because of the spread and a little bit further placing of a new order, but the essence of it does not change. You can do the same at every reversal, staying in the "Avalanche" and quietly waiting for the break-even point. Continuously making a profit.

Mathemat >>:

ОК, этот кто-то прочитал всю ветку раз и получил мантру "читайте внимательнее" (я ее тут уже раз десять видел, не меньше). Читать еще раз, что ли?

I don't write this if the question or idea is new and hasn't been discussed in the thread before. But I won't discuss the same thing ten times.

I'd love to put all fresh solutions in the first post of the thread, but I can't edit it. If the moderators will open it up for my edits, I will gladly add and adjust the description to make the Avalanche trade as efficient as possible.