Avalanche - page 67

lexandros писал(а) >>

No... It's not him about the zigzag... it's Kharko... just the nicknames are very similar :) and they were confused at first too :)

)))) well...

khorosh писал(а) >>

Absolutely agree with you. In my opinion, the better option is the one I described above. The first market order is opened on the basis of the analysis and then it is covered by locking orders according to the avalanche algorithm. There is no initial idle run like in a classic avalanche. I have laid out the chart above showing the run on the period since 01.01.09.

Poke me where it is...

lexandros писал(а) >>
No... the level b/w has not been changed... there is no level as such... i.e. closing is not at any particular price, but when a given profit is reached...
Clinging to a specific price level is the worst evil, IMHO... The price may reach this level in a couple of years or never.
The corridor width is naturally constant... There is one more trick though... I can't explain the TC in full, for obvious reasons - I wasn't the author... In abstract terms - there are fills by trend... That is, it almost always goes out... It is difficult to go into a margin call... But the drawdowns so far are very large - this is not good.

I do not agree. Firstly, because it is one-sided (one type of take is better than another). Secondly... do not forget that there is not one level, but two. One of them, ana will definitely cross.


And in general Dear lexandros, khorosh, Kharko and others, let's move from "private" to create a public advisor to implement all our delusional ideas. That's what they do on other forums... There are no fics here that need to be kept secret.

sever29 писал(а) >>

If memory serves, you suggested a trend on ZZ, you created a separate thread... In my opinion, your method was objectively criticised. But this third one is important to me personally. I am interested in your Expert Advisor, it is a 1-2-3 pattern. Do you know it? I have an opinion that it goes well with "avalanche" or vice versa.

You are mistaken, this is not my branch. I am familiar with 1-2-3 indicator, I even tried an expert. Only I didn't use indicator and calculated points by zigzag breaks. The result was without much
The result was not very successful. Perhaps it will work in combination with an avalanche. The simplest entry methods can be used with an avalanche. Sort of a breakdown of High - Low or Close[1]>Close[2], Low{1]<Low[2].
But in any case it is hardly possible to achieve stable operation without losing. That is why the tactics should be based on periodic withdrawals, and the total withdrawal should be considerably larger than the amount of the lost deposit. For this purpose the expert must lose rarely, and all efforts should be directed to it.

sever29 >>:

Не согласен. Во- первых потомоту что однобоко (один вид тейка лучше друго). Во- вторых... не забывайте уровень не один, а два. Один из них, ана точно пересечет.

Um... I don't quite understand the logic... some kind of goal substitution... what is the goal - to get out of this snowball with a profit, or to reach a certain price?
If we just want to reach a certain price - we should open both directions at the same time and wait... it may come to this level someday... and close at zero:)
And if the goal is to reach a certain profit and start this whole hell circle all over again - what does price have to do with it?
The Equity has increased by the cherished 10 virtual units of money (read points) - we close. What difference does it make at what price.
sever29 писал(а) >>

poke around where it's at...

Algorithm in these very words "The first market order is opened based on tehanalysis and then it is covered by locking orders according to avalanche algorithm. There is no initial idle run as in a classic avalanche."
lexandros писал(а) >>

Um... I don't quite understand the logic... some kind of goal substitution... what is the goal - to exit this snowball with a profit, or to reach a certain price?
if just to reach a certain price - we should open both ways at the same time and wait... it may come to this level sometime... and close at zero:)
And if the goal is to reach a certain profit and start this whole hell circle all over again - what does price have to do with it?
The Equity has increased by the cherished 10 virtual units of money (read points) - we close. What difference does it make at what price.

Give me a guaranteed break-even after opening a position, and I will make you rich. You limit yourself to a specific profit, I propose the absence of profit in pips or dough. Let it go where it wants and as long as it wants, everything is ours, but let it cross the b/u level. It is it that is primary, not the profit and its specific value. The b/y level can lie at a strictly defined price level or be "dynamic" and be dependent on the volume of positions.

sever29 >>:

И вообще Уважаемый lexandros, khorosh, Kharko и др, давайте перейдем из "личек" к созданию общественного советника, в который воплотим все наши бредовые идеи. На других форумах так и делают... Нет тут ни каких фич, которые надо держать в тайне.

In this I fully support... a hundred percent... Even though grail-like councillors may be doomed to failure in advance... But common sense ideas are often born in such gatherings... Even if not a grail, but perhaps something viable will come out...

I'll be honest... I've been a foreman for years now... Still working with my hands... Well, not really hands, semi-automatic with not very big but stable profits.
But I never created a really profitable MTS, which I could have started and forgotten about.
sever29 >>:

Дайте мне гарантированный безубыток после открытия позиции и я Вас озолочу. Вы ограничиваете себя конкретным профитом, я же предлагаю отсутствие профита в пипсах или бабле. Пусть идет куда хочет и сколько хочет, все наше, НО пусть пересекет уровень б/у. Именно он д.б. первичен, а не профит и его конретное значение. Уровень б/у может лежать на строго определенном ценновом уровне или же быть "динамическим" и быть зависимым от объема поз.

Um... Do you have any idea that the price might not reach that level, at least in the near future... And this is very likely...
Where's the guarantee that you haven't set yourself a level at the very bottom/top. And the price may not come to it at all... or it may take a very long time...
Of course, there is a possibility that the EUR price will be 0.987 tomorrow - but how high is it?
And in 1999 there were exactly such quotes... And there was a quotation at 0.987. And it was not worse or better than the current 1.345.
And those quotes also had the level - to which the price hasn't returned. At least in the last 10 years.
Where is the guarantee that the price today is not at that level? at least for a couple of months. There's always a 1/2 chance of that.

And that probability is an inherently frivolous approach.

Therefore, binding to the price is, IMHO, an erroneous way of thinking. You need to be bound exactly to the profit. After all, it is profit that is our final goal. And not a quote.

Here is a small picture to illustrate this point... with funny quotes... not photoshopped... it's history, gentlemen...