Avalanche - page 53

sever29 >>:

:) знаю, но большой разницы нет (в результатах).

Well, if the stop levellers are 3-4 times bigger than the average bar height, then you can neglect... otherwise, the difference will be substantial.

sever29 >>:

А уровень безубытка, при этой схеме, у тебя смещается все дальше и дальше?

Yes. When doubling the volume you need to go the full distance between levels to start making a profit, when tripling the volume you need half, when quadrupling the volume you need a third, when quintupling the volume you need a quarter of the distance, etc. In the opposite direction the distance is required more and more, which means a perpetual lock - the breakeven boundary will rapidly move further and further away, not allowing the price to reach it, and each return to the levels will trigger a new order and the breakeven boundary will bounce even further. Know-how, as Mathemat said:

Mathemat >>:
an unrealistically rare situation, then they stand them up. Estimating the "last" lot gives a figure of about 100 if the starting lot equals 1. But that's a know-how I'll save for now.
khorosh >>:

В данной ветке рассматривается стратегия "лавина", а удвоение лота это её неотъемлемое требование. Арифметически в данном случае увеличивается начальный лот.

Not so strict - tripling, quadrupling, etc. to get out of the Avalanche more quickly is permissible.

JonKatana писал(а) >>

Not so strict - tripling, quadrupling, etc. to get out of the Avalanche more quickly is permissible.

I don't know I'm not a mathematician, but intuitively it seems that if lot is built up with coefficient more than 2, risks will increase, although it is true that exit from cycle happens earlier.
This would probably require a larger deposit. Where is Mathemat - let him calculate. Generally, it is better to open the first order using the analysis itself and place the pending orders through an Expert Advisor. This is especially suitable for those who like manual trading. This EA kind of gives some kind of insurance in case of an incorrect entrance. I ordered such an Expert Advisor 2 years ago.
khorosh >>:

Не знаю я не математик, но интуитивно кажется, что если лот наращивать с коэффициентом больше 2, то риски возрастут, хотя и действительно выход из цикла происходит раньше.
При этом наверно потребуется больший депозит. Где Mathemat - пусть посчитает. Вообще то лучше первый ордер открывать самому используя теханализ, а отложки уже будет выставлять эксперт. Особенно это подходит для любителей ручной торговли. Эксперт как бы подстраховывает, если сделан неправильный вход. Такой эксперт я делал по заказу 2 года назад.

Risks increase exponentially... For example, if you are going to multiply the lot by the fifth step, you need 4^4=256 times more than the initial one.
Four or five steps in this TS will be encountered almost every day, no matter how optimized and adapted the range may be.
I.e. the initial deposit must be gigantic to get out of the avalanche. For example, for five steps with the initial lot 0.1
0.1+0.4+1.6+6.4+25.6=34.1 - the deposit will be 32947.
Plus the drawdown when multiplying the lot should be at least one third of the corridor. At a hypothetical corridor of 40 points - the drawdown will be 341*13=4433.
Total: to be able to move at least 5 steps, we need to have a deposit of not less than 40000 dollars. In this case, when exiting the avalanche, we will receive (assuming fixing of profit equal to the corridor width) only 40 quid.
I.e. in the end we obtain at such simply astronomical risks only 0.1% of profit from invested funds...
This will not be enough, IMHO.
If you take more steps - then the amount of seed money respectively increases also in geometric progression with a given multiplier. ie for 6 steps will need to have 160000 quid. at the same 40 on the output.
The probability of catching 5-6 steps is very, very high.

Based on these simple calculations, in my mind can not get into, what withdrawal of funds can talk about topikstarter ... Even with the calculation of 5 steps to just double the deposit and as they say come to zero - we need at least 1000! successful withdrawals from the avalanche ... What is the probability of 1000 times to jump out successfully and not catch Kolya - I will not even count ... IMHO it's clear as it is.
The name of the TC, by the way, is very correct:) Avalanche... An avalanche-like drain:)
lexandros писал(а) >>
The TC name is very correct by the way :) Avalanche... >> Avalanche plum:)

>> backing 100%.

lexandros писал(а) >>
The TC name is very correct by the way :) Avalanche... >> Avalanche plum:)

How do I pass my test from 01.01.09 to 17.03.10 on GBPUSD even with initial deposit of $300 and initial lot 0.01 without losing?
I don't know how it works for you. Because you haven't posted your EA, either in code or in compiled form. Without it, your pictures are just unsubstantiated pictures, nothing more.
I have posted mine. It complies with the algorithm of an avalanche with absolute precision. Exactly what the topikstarter offers, without any speculation and additional features. I.e. what has been predicted, that has been implemented. And it gives one hundred per cent flush, always, at any range.

Perhaps you have made some changes in the algorithm. Which in this case may play a crucial role for the final result.