Avalanche - page 12

JonKatana >>:

Проверить ваши расчеты невозможно, так как вы не указали ни одного параметра. Но что вас смущает? Несоответствие прибыли и залога? Но залог вам возвращают. Зато вы ВСЕГДА получите свои 300 рублей. И НИКОГДА ни одного убытка. А получать эти 300 рублей вы можете по несколько раз в день. Каждый день. Без убытка вообще!

It's embarrassing to risk a million for the sake of 300 rubles.

vasya_vasya >>:

по мнению решетова ваш лок это на самом деле фотошоп, я тоже ни разу не тестировал советника с такими шипами на графике баланса

first close the profitable position in the box, then the unprofitable one, so here are the spikes

arnautov писал(а) >>

Why? If you close the profitable orders first and then the losing ones, you get a non-standard spike like this.

What was the drawdown on equity?
arnautov >>:

Максимальная просадка больше стартового депо. У хозяина счета реально железные нервы. Снимаю шляпу.

For the faint of heart, the psychological setup: you deposit your money (start-up capital), make a small profit in any way, then withdraw YOUR money (start-up amount) from the account. That's it - your money is no longer in the account. There is no more money in your account. No matter how much you have earned or lost - it is someone else's money. According to the status for you it is a demo account. Just like on the demo, you only spend your time. As on the demo account, when you lose the entire deposit, you do not lose a penny of YOUR money. The nice difference from the demo-account - you can turn the earned money into real money, by withdrawing it from your account. But until that moment there is no money in YOUR account! It's just a game to you - like tetris or a guessing game. The goal of the game is to get more points (money). Losing points is just the end of the game, you lose nothing but your time.

Keep these images in your head all the time and your nerves will be fine.

I don't use it - I don't need it, others do - and some almost faint when the price goes against them.

vasya_vasya >>:

а просадка была по эквити?

on balance
JonKatana >>:

Для слабонервных психологическая установка: кладете свои деньги (стартовый капитал), любым способом набираете небольшой профит, затем выводите СВОИ деньги (стартовую сумму) со счета. Всё - ваших денег на счете больше нет. Там деньги ДЦ. Сколько бы вы не заработали или слили - это чужие деньги. По статусу для вас это демо-счет. Так же, как и на демо, вы тратите только свое время. Как и на демо, слив весь депозит, вы не теряете ни копейки СВОИХ денег. Приятное отличие от демо-счета - заработанные деньги можно превратить в реальные, выведя их со счета. Но до этого момента ВАШИХ денег на счете нет! Для вас это просто игра - как тетрис или угадайка. Цель игры - набрать побольше очков (денег). Проигрыш очков - всего лишь окончание игры, вы ничего не теряете, кроме потраченного времени.

Держите эти образы в голове постоянно - и ваши нервы будут в порядке.

Я этим не пользуюсь - мне не нужно, остальным помогает - а то некоторые чуть в обморок не падают, когда цена идет против них.

I totally agree.
Mentally it helps a lot not to fidget.
JonKatana писал(а) >>

For the faint of heart, the psychological setup: you deposit your money (start-up capital), make a small profit in any way, then withdraw YOUR money (start-up amount) from the account. That's it - your money is no longer in the account. There is no more money in your account. No matter how much you have earned or lost - it is someone else's money. According to the status for you it is a demo account. Just like on the demo, you only spend your time. As on the demo account, when you lose the entire deposit, you do not lose a penny of YOUR money. The nice difference from the demo-account - you can turn the earned money into real money, by withdrawing it from your account. But until that moment there is no money in YOUR account! It's just a game to you - like tetris or a guessing game. The goal of the game is to get more points (money). Losing points is just the end of the game, you lose nothing but your time.

Keep these images in your head all the time and your nerves will be fine.

I don't use it - I don't need it, it helps others - otherwise some almost faint when the price goes against them.

Yep, and all you need to do is just double your deposit:)

sever29 писал(а) >>

Explain about the location, why and when you get in and how you get out.

Alex5757000 писал(а) >>

on balance

well, why are you responsible for him, after all san sanich fled, why would he not make a report in the tester, so that there was a graph of equity? why show the demo if you do not see the full report? Because it is more difficult to correct?
AlexSTAL >>:

А какие должны быть расчеты то????

Just two - the distance between levels and the volume of the initial lot. Distance - I tried to help with the calculation above. Initial lot volume - based on deposit size and number of price reversals in the worst case (e.g. 10 or 20 - although both figures are unlikely with the right distance).