Trend of interesting thoughts - page 33


I would take it down, all of it, to the root, to the author -- an educational ban.

For you can make a joke, but you should not turn the forum into a buffoonery.

The formal grounds are outright flooding and trolling of the author of the thread.

sever29 >>:

не я

Thank you very much! :)

Swetten >>:

Я бы снесла, всю, под корень, автору -- воспитательный бан.

Ибо можно и пошутить, но форум в балаган превращать не стоит.

Формальные основание -- откровенный флуд и троллинг автора ветки.

What is trolling? :)

Magnatis >>:

Ну будем знакомы, Mathemat! :)

Nice to meet you, Magnatis : )

Magnatis >>:

А что такое троллинг? :)

And this is when a dumb teenager is having fun. Just like you.

Swetten писал(а) >>

And that's when a dumb teenager has fun like you.

So you don't get lost either!

Have fun too)))


Trolling - Wikipedia

Trolling is the act of posting provocative messages on the Internet (forums, discussion groups, wikis, blogs, etc.) with the aim of causing flaming, conflict between users,...

Mathemat писал(а) >>

The principle behind the development of any thread is this: in order to generate interest in the topic, you have to post something of your own and concrete. No, not necessarily the system itself. Well, at least a report to start with.

But you have not done it. You just basked in the glory and didn't give people any information.

Another example where the system has struck a blow to the systematizers.

Matemat create a thread and get 33 pages of traffic and citations in 2 days :)

I think the butterfly wing flap effect :)

Swetten >>:

А это когда тупой подросток развлекается. Вот совсем как ты.

Girl, what makes you think that?

MetaDriver >>:

Троллинг — Википедия

Тро́ллинг (от англ. trolling — блеснение, ловля рыбы на блесну) — размещение в Интернете (на форумах, в дискуссионных группах, в вики-проектах, ЖЖ и др.) провокационных сообщений с целью вызвать флейм, конфликты между участниками…

Thank you! Let's educate ourselves :) Do my posts really make such an impression? Interesting :)