Trend of interesting thoughts - page 31

qee >>:

Пусть пишет. Скучно стало последнее время на форуме.

You'd think sever29 would have prevented me :)

sever29 >>:

кол-во уголовных дел сданных в суд, превышает кол-во заработанных Вами пипсов.

Given that you have no information about one of the operands in the expression, the comparison is unacceptable :) If you have a real connection to the law, what was the story about telephone terrorism? :)

Magnatis писал(а) >>

Given that you have no information about one of the operands in the expression, the comparison is unacceptable :) If you have a real connection to the law, what was the story about telephone terrorism? :)

Both are false reports. i.e. the lack of evidence of the fact stated in the report indicates that it is false.


Magnatis, you made a mistake. You created a topic that, judging by its name, was intended for the exchange of interesting ideas, having previously stated that you have an ingeniously simple system. After that, you were shelled by artillery from several sides. But you used it unwisely, you should have been wiser.

You are the one to blame, because the people who asked you questions were expecting to get some information about your system: You yourself said you had it, and you even created a thread on the spot.

The normal principle of development of any branch is as follows: to fuel interest in the subject, you must lay out at least something of your own and specific. No, you don't have to put the system itself. Well, at least a report to start with.

But you have not done it. You just basked in the glory and didn't give people any information.

So... why the fuck did you create this thread?!

sever29 >>:

там и там ложное сообщение. т.е. отсутствие доказательств факта, изложенного в сообщении, говорит о его ложности

Yes, all right. And why make such empty statements?

Finish with the terrorism, though. I wonder what you mean by that :)

Mathemat >>:

Magnatis, Вы сделали ошибку. Вы создали тему, предназначенную, судя по названию, для обмена интересными мыслями, предварительно заявив, что располагаете гениально простой системой. После чего Вы подверглись артобстрелу с нескольких сторон. Но воспользовались Вы им неразумно, надо было быть поумнее.

Виноваты именно Вы, т.к. люди, задававшие Вам вопросы, рассчитывали получить о Вашей системе какую-то информацию: Вы же сами заявили, что она у Вас есть, и даже тут же создали ветку.

Нормальный принцип развития любой ветки таков: чтобы подогреть интерес к теме, нужно выложить хоть что-то свое и конкретное. Нет, не обязательно выкладывать саму систему. Ну для начала хотя бы отчетик.

Но Вы этого не сделали. Вы просто погрелись в лучах славы и не дали людям никакой инфы.

Ну дык... какого хрена Вы ее создавали, эту ветку?!

Dear Mathemat, I don't need your advice, thank you very much for your concern :) Those who asked questions got answers. Those who demanded a report did not get one. Why? - Explained.

If you have real questions, ask. "why the fuck did you create this thread?!" is the answer in the first post :)

Magnatis писал(а) >>

Yes, all right. And why make such empty statements?

Finish with the terrorism, though. I wonder what you meant by that :)

You were making empty statements to mislead the masses, the goal... To earn credibility, to sell a cat in a poke, to show off, paid mailing list and all that sort of thing.

That you terrorize people with your deliberately false messages about supposedly super TC.

sever29 >>:

Вы делали пустые заявления (прибильности ТС) для того чтоб ввести в заблуждение массы, цель... заработать авторитет, продать кота в мешке, понтануться, платная рассылка и все в таком духе.

Тем, что Вы терроризируете народ своими заведомо ложными сообщениями о якобы супер ТС.

OK, with a phone bomber you can prove the falsity of his messages. Can you - can you prove the falsity of my messages? :) If not - your message is "an empty statement, to mislead the masses, to earn credibility, to show off, some terrorist mailing and all that" :)

There has been a complaint about this thread. If it really is trying to sell a cat in a poke, please email the old timers of the forum to me - to take it down.
Magnatis писал(а) >>

OK, with a phone bomber you can prove the falsity of his messages. Can you - can you prove the falsity of my messages? :) If not - your message is "an empty statement, in order to mislead the masses, to gain credibility, to show off, some terrorist mailing and all that kind of stuff" :)

The existence of a fact, must be proved by the subject who initiated the message.