Trend of interesting thoughts - page 37

Magnatis писал(а) >>

This is relevant to my system. This question isn't about the home address, yes, but it's very much a 'is the flat big?

Seems like the TC's metrics are more secret than her principles? :)

By the way, I know a similar condition: more than once it seemed that I invented a grail and the main question was "what to do with money now",

but time cured and each time the disappointment was less painful. Over time, I developed a thick skin, a critical eye

at my successes...

I wish you the same.


I suggest you look at the problem from a different angle: no one can understand the purpose of your presence, your posts.

Put yourself in the shoes of the forum users - for them you are just speculating, nothing more. There is NOTHING concrete.

sever29 >>:

Самое главное- "не знаю, но..." То что автор тута понагородил сводиться к одной простой вещи: Открыл бай 0.1, цена пошла выше, долшла до "разворотной точки", открываем сел 0.2, и закрываем перекрытием, т.е. экономим на спереде от бая, фиксируем прибыль и становимся в новую позу, т.е. снова в рынке... и т.д. наоборот открытли бай, цена уходит в низ, идет... в "разворотной точке" открываем сел 0.2, но бай не закрываем, ждем... доходим до точки безубыточности (разворота), закрываем перекрытием бай 0.1 и сел 0.2, вновь на "разворотной точке" открываем бай и т.д. Что граального? и интересного, если не знать эту точку. Любой так может пудрить мозги, не говоря о ней, знаете почему, потомучто он сам этогь не знает.

You can't think for yourselves :) You think you're in a fairy tale? You think you're in a fairy tale? Or even simpler: you give them your account details and they start giving you large sums of money, don't they? :) By golly, it's like a schoolboy's "let me cheat!" Yeah, I'm keeping quiet about the pivot points and I will. Decided to share the idea (yes, I did not invent it, but I explained its advantages) of the U-turn technique - mountains of criticism, all stylistically reminiscent of the reaction of natives to a helicopter ... Where are the arguments? And you still make remarks to me that I "didn't report anything useful". Yeah :)

Magnatis >>:

Думаете, в сказку попали?

That's exactly what we think. :)

Mischek >>:


В назидание халявщикам, дебилам и другим ниробам, дабы впредь ясно было что тут хрень не катит

Quote any "bullshit" you want. If you can't, then you're in the "underdog" group.

Magnatis >>:

Процитиуйте любую "хрень".

Well, you're obviously overreacting about the profit on the occasional wanderer.

Magnatis писал(а) >>

You can't think for yourselves :) You think you're in a fairy tale? You think you're in a fairy tale? Or even simpler: you give them your account details and they start giving you large sums of money, don't they? :) By golly, it's like a schoolboy's "let me cheat!" Yeah, I'm keeping quiet about the pivot points and I will. I decided to share the idea (yes, I did not invent it, but I explained its advantages) of the U-turn technique - a mountain of criticism, all stylistically reminiscent of the reaction of natives to a helicopter ... Where are the arguments? And you still make remarks to me that I "didn't report anything useful". Yeah :)

I stated in four lines what many people knew before you did. What did you add? "Well the same anyone can declare, but the adequate person, if he decided to declare it publicly, will show the proof of existence of this point, i.e. the report of TC, using it.

goldtrader >>:

Похоже что показатели ТС более секретны чем её принципы? :)

Мне кстати знакомо подобное состояние: неоднократно казалось что изобрёл грааль и главным вопросом считал "куда теперь деньги девать",

но время вылечивало и с каждым разом разочарование происходило менее болезненно. Со временем развилась толстокожесть, критический взгляд

на свои успехи ...

Чего и Вам желаю.


Предлагаю Вам взглянуть на проблему под другим углом: никто не может понять цель Вашего присутствия, ветки, постов.

Встаньте на место форумчан - для них Вы пускаете пыль в глаза, не более того. Конкретики НОЛЬ.

The question was settled a long time ago: I don't tell you anything about the system. It must be hard to remember.

About the disappointments: I've been down that road. Now it is only real income that gives me joy.

Taking "dust in the eye" answers to your own questions is the apogee of insanity :)

MetaDriver >>:

Ну насчёт профита на случайном блуждании Вы явно погорячились.

Although the question wasn't for you, thanks for the example. You just try replacing quotes in any EA with a random ramble yourself :) A bit of "thinking" and some interesting ideas will come up too :)

You all here think that information about something should be provided in a form that is easy to "consume". This is strange, to say the least :)

sever29 >>:

я выразил четурьмя строчками, то что и до Вас известно было и многие пользовались. Что Вы то добали? "я знаю разворотну точку!" Ну тоже самое любой может заявить, но адекватный чел. предъявит дрказательства наличия этой точки, т.е. отчета ТС, использующую ее.

You knew that - good for you! Has the topic become a stimulus for further reflection? - Yes (correct me if I didn't). If so, it was useful to you as well.

Magnatis >>:

Процитиуйте любую "хрень". Если не сможете, значит вы относитесь к "группе недогоняющих".

37 pages of paranoia, which one do you want me to quote?

The whole forum says "fuck you" and you say "I'll never tell your secret"?

They tell you to go away, and you say, "Maybe I should show you the state and the flat.