Trend of interesting thoughts - page 35

Magnatis >>:

1) Очень плохо. Какое-то умолчательное недоверие на форуме. Не должен я ничего показывать. А тут получается – не показываю, значит тролль :)

2) Не нужно ожидать лишнего и тогда не будет ощущения, что вам чего-то не недодали :)

1) Well, I see some provocation in that too. On the part of the people. You are provoked to "more information".

I understand the people in this place. Although I may be misunderstanding... :)

2) Well, and would have painted the boundaries of their willingness to share ideas more clearly.

Or are you still undecided? Then the provocatees for "more" have some chance for promotion... :)


Oh, man. What a lot has been written...

There are people on this forum (and on this thread, I see) who are familiar with psychology as a science (according to them, though - no one has ever shown a diploma)). Well really you are not familiar with this type in terms of psych. portrait?


As a variant (now I strongly doubt it) - provocation. Well, maybe who has read a science fiction story, where a group of scientists were convinced of the existence of levitation, and they did manage to achieve some success, discarding the "can not!

But, I repeat, it is unlikely.

Magnatis писал(а) >>

Too bad. Some kind of default distrust on the forum. I'm not supposed to show anything. And here it turns out - I don't show it, so I'm a troll :)

You should not expect too much and then you will not have the feeling that something was not given to you :)

Actually this forum was created for the joint efforts of creating a program that earns money! Who is ready to participate in this continue! Again, magnetis and Volga are grateful for the shake-up! But where is the specifics? Personally, I even decided to look at the chart differently. IF YOU LOOK AT THE OBJECT FROM ABOVE, FROM THE SIDE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING FROM BELOW. Joke's on, though.

Swetten >>:

Дорогой мой. "Умолчательное недоверие" -- ты не пробовал поинтересоваться, сколько тут таких героев было до тебя?

Ты не пробовал считать окружающих как минимум не дурнее себя?

Я тебе ещё раз повторяю: тебя тут никто не знает, от тебя никто ничего не ждёт, ты тут нафиг никому не упёрся.

Чтобы к тебе начали прислушиваться -- ты должен сам сделать что-то интересное и показать окружающим.

Ты им должен доказать, что можешь быть для них интересен и полезен.

Иначе ты уже запомнился как форумный тролль и балабол.

I'm not yours, girl :) The forum is not a woman to be interested in past lovers.

For someone to be considered not more evil than yourself, you have to have grounds, which not everyone has provided :)

It would be chic if the local Cossacks weren't nagging for reports and threatening "bad reputations" :) This is to the point about "no one expects anything".

Next 2 statements containing "you must" - Dismissed! :)

Remembered it that way, so what? :) Is it time for a Corvalol? :)

Magnatis писал(а) >>

... Those who asked questions got answers. Those who demanded a report did not receive one.

Asked a question regarding TC macro indicators, didn't ask anything, don't ask and won't ask.

Didn't get an answer. I am duplicating the questions:

OK. Can you now name the CU macro indicators based on the available data:

1. FS - recovery factor (= total net profit / max DD),

2. PF - profit factor (= gross profit / gross loss),

3. MOS of the trade in 4-digit points,

4. Max DD in %.

5. Average monthly return in %.

I hope this is not confidential information?

Magnatis, you are doing (or rather have already done) an anti-publicity. I understand that you will now once again respond that you do not care about my opinion and the opinion of all others.

But why are you here and why are you turning inside out?

MetaDriver >>:

1) Ну я в этом тоже некоторую провокационность вижу. Со стороны народа. Вас провоцируют на "побольше информации".

Я народ понимаю в этом месте. Хотя может и неправильно понимаю.. :)

2) Дык и расписали бы границы своей готовности делиться идеями почётче.

Или Вы не определились ещё? Тогда у провоцирующих на "побольше" есть некоторый шанс на раскрутку... :)

Already answered :)

Magnatis >>:

Было бы шикарно, если бы местные казачки не клянчили отчёты и не угрожали "плохой репутацией" :) Это к вопросу о "никто ничего не ждёт".

Chic? No problem. Especially for you: until 1:59 a.m. Moscow time on Monday, I will open a $100 microreal and monitor it. One of my advisors will be working on the real.

Would you like to play on an equal footing?

baltik >>: Математ создайте ветку и чтоб посещаемость и цитат на 33 страницы за 2 дня :)

I already have such a thread - about pure mathematics. The flow of messages isn't as frantic, of course. But it is more of a stayer. I am not pursuing any goal of breaking any records, but there is a steady interest in that branch.

And this branch is almost exhausted.

goldtrader >>:

Задавал вопрос касательно макропоказателей ТС, ничего не просил, не прошу и просить не буду.

Ответа не получил. Вопросы дублирую:

Magnatis, вы делаете (точнее уже сделали) себе антирекламу. Понимаю что Вы сейчас в очередной раз ответите что моё мнение Вам по барабану как и мнение всех остальных.

Но зачем в таком случае Вы здесь и чего ради выворачиваетесь наизнанку?

This is relevant to my system. This question isn't about the home address, yes, but it's very much like "is the flat big?". Too bad you don't understand the reasons for rejection.

Anti-advertising, yes :) I disagree with "turning inside out". What do you mean by that? :)

Swetten >>:

*Пожимает плечами*

Всего хорошего.

You too :)