Trend of interesting thoughts - page 29

sever29 >>:

Вы уже отмечете праздник? Что не понятного, это ответ на Ваш пост.

Lack of evidence of something does not mean that it does not exist. It may mean that it just doesn't concern you. What else can you think of? :)

MetaDriver >>:

Да вроде он не продаётся пока. // Щютк, если что.

Т.е. Вы сейчас пока проводите рекламную кампанию?

Exactly :) Getting to know the people, so to speak.

Mathemat >>:

Самый знаменитый местный "волновик", красиво говорящий о Волновом принципе Эллиотта, выдающий жуткие прогнозы по валютам, но не демонстрирующий реальной торговли по своим "методам".

Why is he "local"? Don't insult Niroba! :)


I urge everyone to be more tolerant. A statment or balance chart is needed for those who don't believe there is a profitable system that the TS is talking about. Kind of like "I can't believe what I can't see", although that's the point of belief :)

Although there is a technique - to escalate communication, so that the interlocutor leaks information that originally did not want to leak. Also an option :)

I personally do not need other people's reports. Read this thread and the part about the "cow" - Magnatis has already given a lot of clues, following which you can come to curious conclusions. I am not too long in dealing with Forex, so I can't say with a glance if this trend is promising or not, but the fact that reading this thread generates interesting thoughts is a fact.

I have copied in my notebook the most valuable, in my opinion, questions and answers I've read here, so I'm analyzing them. Even if all this is a fiction and there is no such system, I am grateful to TC for the topic.

Mathemat >>:

Самый знаменитый местный "волновик", красиво говорящий о Волновом принципе Эллиотта, выдающий жуткие прогнозы по валютам, но не демонстрирующий реальной торговли по своим "методам".

And why would two people suddenly think I had anything to do with it? :)

newbie_d писал(а) >>

I urge everyone to be more tolerant. A statment or balance chart is needed for those who don't believe there is a profitable system that the TS is talking about. Sort of like "I can't believe what I can't see", although that's the point of belief :)

Although there is a technique - to escalate communication, so that the interlocutor leaks information that originally did not want to leak. Also an option :)

I personally do not need other people's reports. Read this thread and the part about the "cow" - Magnatis has already given a lot of clues, following which you can come to curious conclusions. I am not too long in dealing with Forex, so I can't say with a glance if this trend is promising or not, but the fact that reading this thread generates interesting thoughts is a fact.

I have copied in my notebook the most valuable, in my opinion, questions and answers I've heard here and I'm analyzing them. Even if it's all a fiction and there is no such system, thank TC for the topic.

Who is TC? Mate did you copy about the compression of the minute chart, about the temperature outside the window? It's very important.

newbie_d >>:

Призываю всех быть более терпимыми. Стейтмент или график баланса нужен тем, кто не верит, что существует прибыльная система, о которой говорит ТС. Вроде как "я не могу верить в то, чего не вижу", хотя в этом-то и суть веры :)

Хотя есть такая методика - обострить общение, чтобы собеседник слил информацию, которую изначально сливать не хотел. Тоже вариант :)

Лично мне чужие отчёты не нужны. Прочитайте эту ветку и часть про "корову" - Magnatis дал уже много подсказок, следуя которым можно прийти к любопытным выводам. Я не слишком долго имею дело с форексом, поэтому не могу навскидку определить, перспективно это направление или нет, но то, что чтение переписки в этой ветке порождает интересные мысли - это факт.

Скопировал в блокнот наиболее ценные на мой взгляд вопросы-ответы, прозвучавшие здесь, анализирую. Даже если всё это фикция и такой системы нет, благодарен ТС за тему.

Thanks for your interest :)

sever29 >>:

Кто такой ТС? Дружище ты скопировал про сжатие минутного графика, про температуру за окном? Это очень важно.

TC is a topic starter. The ability to distinguish the essential from the secondary, to understand metaphors and comparisons should have been built up at school age. Maybe you pretend to be underdeveloped, then you're in luck and I congratulate you on that! :)


Here come the bots, little by little.....

Magnatis писал(а) >>

And why would two people suddenly think I had anything to do with it? :)

Mathemat wrote >>

"Talking nicely, but not demonstrating any real trading by his "methods"."