Galina >>:

Когда на реалке пашут боты, то все хорошо только в самом начале.

А потом возникают проблемы.

Например был у меня пипсовщик на евро баксе, так брокер половину прибыльных сделок в трубу отправил, мол извиняйте, по времени сделка должна длится больше чем ... кл-во минут.

Был бот хорошо на ФУНТ ФРАНКЕ торговал, так брокер при выводе денег мне историю пересчитал с увеличинным спрэдом, в итоге вместо плюса по счету "0".

И это далеко не все. Полно таких еще вот историй знаю. А главное по закону к ним никаких притензий !!!

И регламент они очень вовремя прямо на сайте меняют, не придирешся.

Вчера вот смотришь одно написано, распечатаешь..... а утром глянь, а там уже и условия другие.

А тебе в ответ, ну мол извините, надо было зарание с нашей компанией регламент подпимывать, а не через инет....

А зарание все оформишь, они те, ну извините, мол у нас в регламенте прописано, что мы его в одностороннем порядке можем изменить.

Вот так ребята.

А если ручками торговать, то да проблем нет.

Прекрасно деньги отдают, но то же не все конечно.

Galina, what kind of broker was it? If it's not kamilfo here, you can take it to me in private.

Galina писал(а) >>

When the replay is run by bots, everything is fine only at the beginning.

And then problems arise.

For example I had a Pips trader on Euro, so the broker sent half of my profitable deals back to the pipe saying sorry, but according to time the deal has to last more than ... The time of a deal should be longer than ... minutes.

I traded well with FUNT FRANK but broker recalculated my history with increased spread when withdrawing money and as a result I got "0" on my account instead of profit.

And that is not all. I know many other similar stories. And most importantly, they have no claims under the law!

They change the rules right on the site in time, there is no need to worry.

Yesterday you saw one thing written, then print it out..... and in the morning you look, and there are already different conditions.

And you were told, "I'm sorry, you had to sign the regulations with our company in advance, not through the Internet.....

And when you prepare everything beforehand, they say, "Well, excuse me, but our rules stipulate that we can change them unilaterally.

That's how guys do it.

And if you sell your hands, there is no problem.

They give them money just fine, but not everyone of course.

Message from sever29
3.5.6 Orders with a difference between opening and closing time of less than 2 minutes may be cancelled by the company.

Please comment on this point... Just don't quote this point.
For example my strategy is to enter at breakthrough of some corridor with take at 161 pip, it's from 20pp to 40pp. I can't tell you how long it takes to go through these points... from 10 seconds to 2-3 hours, or maybe even a false breakthrough. And that in case of a successful entry (for example, breaking through the morning flat, entering, and reaching the take within 1 minute) you can cancel the total at your own discretion?
Message from Moderator
Dear sever29.
Your answer was correct: welcome to an ECN account that has no trading limitations. On standard accounts everything is exactly as it is stated in the Client Agreement. That is the rules of our company.
This is the correspondence with that broker, everything is there and does not change anything, and you claim here that the broker unilaterally... You should be able to read the regulations, Galina, not just the TS.

-I was trading well on the FUNT FRANK, but the broker recalculated my story with an increased spread when I withdrew the money and ended up with "0" instead of plus on the account.

If you trade with a broker who has the right to widen the spread depending on the market situation, then you get ... Go to a broker with a fixed spread.

P.S. You're claiming here that the broker unilaterally... You should be able to read the regulations, Galina, not just the TSOs.

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Galina, what kind of broker was it? If it's not kamilfo here, you can take it to a private message.

>> look in the private.

sever29 писал(а) >>

-I was trading well at FUNT FRANK, but the broker recalculated my story with an increased spread when I withdrew the money and ended up with "0" instead of profit on the account.

If you trade with a broker who has the right to widen the spread depending on the market situation, then you get ... Go to a broker with a fixed spread.

P.S. You're claiming here that the broker unilaterally... You should be able to read the regulations, Galina, not just the TS.

You think the universe has been revealed to me ????

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Galina, what kind of broker was it? If it's not kamilfo here, then you can take it to your personal account.

Galina wrote(a) >> Have a look in your personal account.

Then read the regulations and avoid surprises.

Galina писал(а) >>

You think the universe was revealed to me ????

No, but to you it has. You show your inability to anticipate the consequences of trading without reading the regulations, it's all spelled out there.

sever29 писал(а) >>

Message from sever29
3.5.6 Orders with a difference between opening and closing time of less than 2 minutes may be canceled by the company.

And they changed this point to 7 minutes for me, how about it ?

If you trade with a broker with a floating spread where he has the right to widen it depending on the market situation, that's what you get... They say that you are all idiots around here?

Is everybody stupid or what?

Where do you think I've been trading ????

You can stop being so clever if you say so.

Lsever29 >>:

В потом регламент прочитайте, и сюрпризов избежите.

I know you can't, it's just that the names of brokers come up quite often, I wrote it myself and it seemed that the moderators were looking at this point loyally, so I guess they really did, no more...

Galina писал(а) >>

So, you traded at a brokerage house with a floating spread, where depending on the market situation he has the right to widen it, and that's what you get... Go to a broker with a fixed spread.

Is everybody stupid or what?

Where do you think I've been trading ????

Stop being so smart. If I say so, that's how it is.

>> Latent conflict between the client and broker, depends entirely on the knowledge of the conditions prescribed in the rules, the reason is in the client, in this case, in you.