Investing in developments - page 6

Investor888 писал(а) >> unless you meet a banker or me.

Try going to any bank for 10 quid and you'll understand everything at once...)))

LeoV >>:

А при чём тут я? )))

So interesting, you're not just on this forum)

Investor888 >>:

Продай кота, тоже инвест инструмент))

it's a mega cat
Investor888 писал(а) >> So interesting, you're not just on this forum)

You guessed it! There really is a reason. What in our world is being done "for nothing" these days? - The answer is "nothing!"....))))

LeoV >>:

Угадали! Действительно не просто так. Что сейчас в нашем мире делается "просто так"? - ответ "ничего!"....))))

)))) :P

Selling a link to a mega-duper PAMM. Expensive.
VictorArt писал(а) >>
Selling a link to a mega-duper PAMM. Expensive.

Here we go.... Here comes the shitty advertising....))))

VictorArt >>:
Продам ссылку на мегапуперсупер ПАММ. Дорого.

(They do)). How much are you asking for?

bank >>:

это мегакот

It's just a black cat))

Investor888 >>:

Во дают)) Ну и сколько вы просите

The standard "kickback" is 50%, i.e. 28000/2=14000 ue. :)