A SERIOUS TRADER is needed! - page 2


Here's a live online report for you all.

The deposit has increased from $500 to $50,000 ( fifty thousand) in one day !

Apparently, the author is looking for just such a guy.

rid писал(а) >> Deposit increased from 500 to 50,000 (fifty thousand) in 24 hours !

SHAMAN.......)) Pure Shaman....))


It really was. At the roulette demo contest at WHC.

I was not able to get the prize for the girl - it was a pain in the ass. "They made up the fact that she was supposedly an advisor, which was forbidden by the rules of the contest.

Although Nadya denied that she worked as an advisor.

Why the sudden silence? No words?

No way... It's not much... I was up to seven figures a day from $200, but I can't find it...

***Searching through the stats***


rid писал(а) >>
Why all the fuss? No words?

A long time ago, I won five numbers out of six. Big money at the time. But then, no matter how much I played, I never won anything......)))) I don't even know if I'm in the black or the red....))))


Well, it's not 5 out of 6 at all. All the more, there is a strict mathematical substantiation of how to play sports lotto without losing ("Science and Life" No.1-3 1980).

Several hundreds of transactions - even with all desire the result cannot be explained by chance. Well, you can't!

There is something else here.

Swetten >>:

Да ну... Мелочь какая-то... Вот у меня где-то до семизначной суммы в сутки с $200 доходило, только вот никак не найду...

***Роется в стейтментах***


rid >>:


Roman, that was a miniature, it's long gone.

Open a 120-300 account... at finam.ru

I trade for a month - then you make a decision.