Looking for a very serious trader for a very serious investment...

I am waiting for SERIOUS reports from the real and demo.

(All talks are on Skype)


then go here - https://forum.mql4.com/ru/11381

lilll >>:

Ищу очень серьезного трейдера на очень серьезные инвестиции…

Жду СЕРЬЕЗНЫХ отчетов с реала и демо.

(все переговоры ведутся по Скайпу/Skype)

This wording will not give you an answer


I'll say it again... "I'm waiting for some serious reports from real and demo."

Replicas like "then this is where you belong" take up space on the internet...

lilll писал(а) >>

I'll say it again... "I'm looking forward to serious reports from real and demo."

Replays like "then this is where you belong" take up space on the internet...

What happens in the morning?

lilll >>:

Ищу очень серьезного трейдера на очень серьезные инвестиции…

Жду СЕРЬЕЗНЫХ отчетов с реала и демо.

(все переговоры ведутся по Скайпу/Skype)

Good thinking, what did you say?

"Looking for gold, platinum. Waiting for delivery."

Sounds like someone's overreacting.

lilll писал(а) >>

I'll say it again... "I'm waiting for SERIOUS reports from real and demo."

Replicas like "then this is where you belong" take up space on the internet...

I'll borrow some. Just today I wrote about opening a monitoring service and hinted that Onyx is by no means universal - looking, gentlemen, looking... need traders. That's the second "search party" today. What do you think ? You make a comment: I'm waiting for all the "very serious traders" to come to you for "very serious investments"! Finding a trader is, you know, hard work. And not a little. And not so fast. There is nothing wrong with reading their comments. They may even point out their mistakes, and if you ask them, they will tell you something. Now... Wait for it. Good luck. It's the only way you're gonna find it.

lilll писал(а) >>

Looking for a very serious trader for a very serious investment...

I am looking for SERIOUS reports from real and demo.

Please, give a definition or somehow explain - what in your understanding is a "serious" trader, "serious" reports and "serious" investments. Then it would be clear))


continuation of a deleted topic, 50% a day, who's bigger?)

Flood - Flood - Flood.

LeoV >>:

Пожалуйста, дайте определение или объясните как-то - что такое в вашем понимании "серьёзный" трейдер, "серьёзные" отчёты и "серьёзные" инвестиции. Тогда было бы понятно.))

And they will give you 10k, and ask for at least 50% a month and offer you 10% of the withdrawn money
Mischek писал(а) >>

They will give you 10k and ask for at least 50% a month and offer you 10% of the rent

Wouldn't your face crack?))