Is anyone able to write an advisor for a profitable system? - page 7

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I would like to create an EA for this indicator
I am a beginner, i could be wrong. If so please correct it for autodetecting 4 or 5 digits and i also want it to open position strictly on the signal with stop and take profit. I would like it to open a position strictly on a signal and have a take or stop loss. Thanks (the system is profitable).
mydone >>:
Уважаемый Necron я попробывал потестить советник и почемуто увидел что он для 4х знаков, я еще новичок могу ошибаться,если это так пожалуйста поправьте для автоопределение 4-5 знакюов и еще хотелось бы чтобы он открывал сделки строго посигналу и были тейк и стоп. Спасибо (система прибыльная)

Here you go. Automatically determines the number of decimal places, has the ability to set TP (from 1 point profit), SL, opens transactions strictly by the signal without waiting for the breakdown of the high or low. If you can, please post the test results and balance image here. I have not looked at it yet.


I'll be sure to post

or you can combine it with the second indicator (pyhlikom above) to confirm point + crossing opening - take and trawl - work for 30 min - it will be worthless in my humble opinion.
mydone >>:
а можно совместить со вторым индикатором (выше выложен pyhlikom) на подтверждение точка+пересечение открытие - тейк и трал - работать на 30 мин - цены ему не будет in my humble opinion.

Please explain the algorithm in more detail, and which indicator are we talking about?

Indicator attached - ADX input signals and qqe crosses the text more than the trawl and should be added immediately European session (the most volatile), we get a minimum of small signals.
Now 9 out of 10 entries on 8 pairs have worked with a current of 7 and a stop of 15. Let's see what happens next.
Take trawl and stop should be hidden + a fail-safe take and stop set in random numbers within a specified interval