[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 74


A) A cap to correct protruding ears (UK, early 20th century)
B) A walking aid for teaching a child to walk (United Kingdom, early 20th century)
C) The garter belt for visually enlarging the hips (United States, early 20th century)
D) Nursing bra (United Kingdom, late 19th century).


Correct A


A) Piston enema (Great Britain, mid 19th century)
B) A bottle of ether in the operating theatre (mid 19th century Britain)
C) Victorian room air freshener (mid-19th century Britain)
D) Air pollution detector (mid-19th century Britain)


to Vladislav

If the net result of the forces acting on the body is 0, the body is either at rest or moving uniformly and progressively. Otherwise, the body is moving with acceleration.

Richie >>:

xeon, это явление некоторое время назад было в Москве. Учёные дают совершенно разные объяснения.

Моя точка зрения - это облако образовалось либо на кольцевой дороге, либо на берегу озера (пруда).

То, что это облако - сомнений нет.

Well, then, is this also from this "line" or not?

xeon писал(а) >>

Well, then, is this also from this "line" or not?

How could "round" clouds of such large size form?

I have already mentioned my two theories - because of county roads and lakes. There are also possible variants - chimneys of boilers and thermal power stations (including cooling towers) during the weather when there is no wind or a tornado. Everything is clear with Moscow ring roads. There are a lot of circular lakes, thermal power plants too. Tornadoes are rare in Russia, but there are small ones, I saw them myself.

I don't see any other way.


By the way, type "unusual clouds" into Yandex pics and there's a whole bunch of pictures like:



Mischek, it's definitely not an air pollution detector, back then there were none. It is unlikely to be an ether cylinder, as ether is used in gaseous form, and 19th century "rubber" would not be able to withstand liquid ether - it would swell up. That leaves air freshener and enema.

I'm inclined to think it's an enema.

Richie >>:

Mischek, это точно не детектор загрязнений воздуха, тогда их просто небыло. Вряд ли это баллон с эфиром. т.к. эфир применяется в газообразном виде, к тому же "резина" 19-го века жидкий эфир просто бы не выдержала - она бы от него набухла. Остаётся - освежитель воздуха и клизма.

Я склоняюсь к мнению, что это клизма.


A) A bootmaking device (United Kingdom, late 19th century)
B) An inhaler (United Kingdom, late 19th century)
C) Horse gas mask (United Kingdom, beginning of the 20th century).
D) Methane detector for miners (France, late 19th century)

Mischek писал(а) >>

A) A boot-making device (Great Britain, late 19th century)
B) Inhaler (UK, late 19th century).
C) horse gas mask (United Kingdom, early 20th century).
D) Methane detector for miners (France, late 19th century).

A - I don't see how this can be applied to the manufacture of boots;

B - probably fits under the front of the face;

C - why do they need gas masks?

D - methane detector - ruled out, they came later.


I'm leaning towards the conclusion - inhaler.