[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 548


Oh, come on! :)

I'm having a laugh at the Solano these days, and I wish you the same.

It's cool, it's a trance classic mixed with an ambient classic!

Already downloaded it. Thanks.


It's bad enough that the equations are heterogeneous. The second equation spoils the whole thing. But there are some symmetry properties.

If (a0,a1,b0,b1) is the solution, then (a1,a0,b1,b0) is too.

Or changing all signs to minus at the same time also gives a solution.

For those who are interested (and who know DSP at least a bit), I investigate systems with impulse response of sin(wt)+Asin(K*wt) kind. They are extremely interesting because under certain conditions they give such a response to the Heaviside "step":

Should be a reminder.

That's cool, that's a trance classic.
Yeah! But this is cooler. Check it out!
Yeah! But this is cooler. Check it out!

No, the three-headed one's better.

It's supposed to be a reminder.

Sort of quite. I have this system in mind. It's good because it's taken directly from forex.

// Oops. Pardon me for being offensive. You can't do that in here.

Well, write me in private if you need a companion. It's an interesting topic.


Sort of quite. I have a system like that in mind. The good thing about it is that it's taken directly from forex.

// Oops. Pardon me for being off topic. You can't do that in here.

Okay, you can hit me up in person if you need a companion. It's an interesting topic.

I don't want to get personal. I had to run for a bubble the other day to get myself to analytically calculate the Jacobian of the system I posted a couple of days ago. Face-to-face communication is too disincentive, so I'd rather take the topic out into the public domain. At least someone will say - Leha, you've had enough, go to sleep, and think more)).

A separate thread could be set up, of course...


Ah! I forgot to write exponents

h(t) = exp(-at)*sin(wt)+A*exp(-a1t)*sin(K*wt)


For anyone interested (and who knows at least a little about DSP), I investigate systems with impulse response of the form sin(wt)+Asin(K*wt). They are extremely interesting because under certain conditions they give this response to the Heaviside "step"....

Right. Suppose we have something like a sine wave at the input with an amplitude equal to one... It only takes two values 0 and 1. What would your equation look like?

And sleeping with someone like a woman?
new-rena: So. Suppose we have something like a sine wave on the input with an amplitude equal to one. It only takes two values of 0 and 1. What would your equation look like?

The input is a combination of Heaviside steps. It all depends on the period of that step function.

And sleeping with someone like a woman?

Nah, it doesn't look like a woman. It should be roughly circular, not square.