[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 464

is that where the woman has the pop? )))

half a butt. :)

read the condition again )

half a butt. :)


Then oh.

When I see it, I always think - oh!

forgot to specify the three-letter body part )
forgot to specify the three-letter body part )

wow! :)

I have to think.


That's where the catch is. This is the initial kinetic above, before the combustion reaction starts. And what happens afterwards is what your grandmother said.

P.S. Has anyone here studied chemistry as an essential part of the upper formation?

P.P.S. Let's assume that a fire has already started. More precisely, two identical fires. Now let's stick one in -90 temperatures (Antarctica, Vostok station, winter) and the other in the Sahara desert in summer (+58 in the sun). Which will burn better?

The rate of reaction can be defined as the amount of matter (in essence, the number of molecules) of the combustible that reacts per unit time.

Combustion reactions are self-sustaining, which means that the spread of the reaction from already reacting molecules to neighbouring molecules occurs by transferring to them some of the energy released during the reaction itself. Thus, the more energy the molecules possess before entering into the reaction, the less energy they need from neighbouring reacting areas to initiate the spreading of the reaction. Since the amount of heat released during combustion depends only on the chemical structure of the fuel, the reaction proceeds the faster the a) higher the temperature of the fuel and b) the more molecules are in the reaction at the current moment (i.e., there is also some nonlinear dependence), although the latter factor is also modified by the spatial configuration of the burning region.

Wait, do you have to name three words that read back and forth the same way together or separately? If together, then...

eye - navel - eye.

yes, and separately is fine, too... :)


Wait, do you have to name three words that read back and forth the same way together or separately? If together, then...

eye - navel - eye.

yes, and separately is fine, too... :)


second eye