[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 373


Can you do it without the factorials, in normal language?

There's no way my 6*3*3 is 20.

P.S. When I was a little girl, I pulled a pike myself. :)


By definition, the factorial of the number N! = 1*2*3*...*N.

6! / (3!*3!) = 1*2*3*4*5*6 / (1*2*3 * 1*2*3) = 4*5*6 / (1*2*3) = 20.

I'm leaning more towards the first answer, with combinations, as in the second, 2^6 - 1, the number 3 is not involved in any way :)

Swetten >>:

А можно без факториалов, нормальным языком?

У меня 6*3*3 ну никак 20 не выходит.

P.S. Была маленькой -- сама щуку тягала. :)

N! = 1 * 2 * ... * N

e.g. 5! (five factorial, or factorial of five) = 1*2*3*4*5 = 120

What about the parity of the elements of the factorial in the link?
What does the parity of the factorial have to do with it? Of course, it is always even, starting at 2!

"The double factorial of n is denoted by n!!! and is defined as the product of all natural numbers in the interval [1,n] having thesame parity as n."

I must be completely stupid and I don't understand the obvious things. :(

Sergiy, don't be lazy, tell me!

P.S. And the traditional question - what for do we need factorials? Where are they used? What value they have?


What does the double factorial have to do with it, Sveta? We don't have them in the formula, only regular factorials: one factorial is divided by two others. And the formula expresses the number of combinations when selecting from 6 elements of the set (locks) - such that there are only three elements. Take a rough guess on a piece of paper: 6 balls of different colours. We have to go through all possible combinations of only three balls. That's about 20 we'll get.

Where they are used is probably best explained by Sergei.
Mathemat >>:

Где они применяются, лучше, наверно, Сергей и объяснит.

Aren't you Sergei?
Swetten >>:
А вы разве не Сергей?

No, of course he's Spyridon.


The pseudo-intellectual fludowork turned out to be. :(

It's not enough that the market's moving... and nobody cares.

But the call for help has been ignored. :)

Homers of forex ;)