[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 616

I think it's very simple. There is no practical use. Just to demonstrate the sophistication of some minds.
I think it's very simple. There is no practical use. Just to demonstrate the sophistication of some minds.
Maybe we don't know her yet.
I think it's very simple. There is no practical use. It's just to demonstrate the sophistication of some minds.

it wasn't that long ago that people didn't see the usefulness of electricity...

One day, sir, you'll tax it. (Faraday)

(Response to W. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain, on the practical usefulness of electricity, 1850)

How long has the Klein bottle been known for?
Found it. 130 years old and still no use found.

The Klein bottle should not be seen as a glass bottle ;)

The Klein bottle is an important example from the fields of differential geometry and topology. The practical output of these fields of knowledge, however, is very broad. From these positions the Klein Bottle has brought a great deal of benefit.

Can be used as a gas filter-crystalliser.

Help me solve a problem:

There are 10,000 balls in a box. 50% of them are black and 50% are white.
We take 120 balls out of the box at random.

What is the probability that at least 30% of the removed balls are white?

God knows, the Student's distribution seems to work in such cases :) A particular case of binary, or rather an approximation of it for the formulated problem (ratio of dimensions).
Would you like to formulate a normal question for a mute?

We do.

In front of you is a price chart with two interesting lines. Question: How do you draw these two lines without using anything other than a price chart?

ZS In real time.

tara: In front of you is a price chart with two interesting lines. Question: How do you draw these two lines without using anything other than a price chart?

This is relevant to trading!!!

P.S. And also a guessing game.