[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 603


I still can't find the site...

there is one button and a box with the total

When you click on the button, it is likely to randomly throw +1 or -1 and add it to the total...

the task was to score +50 points in 3-5 minutes of clicks...

what is the probability of this event at 3 clicks per second? :-)

Aleksander: ... what is the probability of this event ...
it's about 0.41. I'm in a hurry ))
Aleksander: The task was to score +50 points in 3-5 minutes of clicks...

what is the probability of this event occurring at 3 clicks per second? :-)

You can do the math. The total number of clicks in 4 minutes is 720. The expectation of the result is, of course, zero. Let's consider distribution to be close to normal.

The standard deviation (sigma) is something like sqrt(720) ~ 27. You're just a little short of two sigmas, it's a probability of about 0.05.

That's serious - but not enough to count you as the Greatest of Random Conquerors.

In other words, a deviation from randomness can be considered significant, but with a 5% margin of error.

GaryKa: hurriedly ))

I roughly estimated it myself.

nah... almost anyone could do such a result there - if only... *if I find a page, I'll describe what to do later :-)
Mathemat: ... We consider the distribution to be close to normal.
It seems to me a symmetric simple random walk will be more appropriate.


You don't give such bedtime tasks to children, especially in the "... problems ... Not related to trade"))

GaryKa: I think a symmetrical simple random walk would be more appropriate.
I was referring to the distribution of the total in points. Estimate the probabilities using Bernoulli or read Wiki.
Yeah, stupid me, I forgot that normal is the sum of evenly distributed. :(

The difficulty is 4.

Мегамозг предлагает всем желающим сыграть с ним в игру. У Мегамозга есть три пронумерованных им игральных кубика (числа от 1 до 6, могут повторяться). Соперник может выбрать любой из них, затем Мегамозг выбирает из двух оставшихся. Игроки кидают свои кубики. У кого выпадает меньшее число, тот выплачивает сопернику заранее определённую сумму, в случае равенства проигрывает Мегамозг. Как Мегамозг пронумеровал грани кубиков, если теперь он целыми днями играет в эту игру со всеми подряд и обычно каждый день получает от нее хорошую прибыль?

And why the fuck do we need forex if we can just make three dice!

Explanation: dice are fair, with no offset centres of gravity.A predetermined amount is exactly a predetermined amount. Megabrain's opponent has the right to choose any cube, and he chooses first.

P.S. By the way, the problem about the plane launching from the moving canvas was once on braingames.ru too, but then it was deleted .


The difficulty is 4.

And why the fuck do we need forex if we can just make three dice!

Explanation: dice are fair, with no offset centres of gravity.A predetermined amount is exactly a predetermined amount. MegaBrain's opponent has the right to choose any cube, and chooses first.

If the first move in Megamind's game is the opponent's, then the dice are marked non-transitively. Accordingly, the Metamorphic has only to choose one of the two remaining cubes, which will give a non-transitive advantage over the opponent's already chosen die. A bearded hoax. Not interesting at all.
If the first move in Megamind's game is the opponent's, then the dice are marked non-transitively. Accordingly, the Metamorphic has only to choose one of the two remaining cubes, which will give a non-transitive advantage over the opponent's already chosen die. A bearded hoax. Not interesting at all.

Where's the answer?