[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 587


The premise is wrong ;)

There are really not enough pawns for conversion

No, there are enough pawns, but one extra capture.

it's an option - if we consider 2-3 half-moves back...

conventionally black pawn was on F4, white pawn on G2... but then how did black king get there... unless he didn't go around :-) and didn't go through the 1st rank to the corner...

then if the black queen hacked on H5...

the white pawn has covered from the G2-G4 move...

black pawn captures white pawn and stands up F4-G3 - check to white king

and then the white king F3-G3... but fuck... how did the black king get in there :-)


- and with the queen, it's the same as with the bishop... the red variant cannot be - first pawns gobble up 5 pieces, pawn with g2 has to gobble up 6 pieces - which is impossible....

The post above explains why any pawn option fails

Didn't read it, but in general, Black gave up for nothing, I don't see mate in 1-2 moves, of course Black has a bum, but he can still fight...
No, there are enough pawns, but we get one extra capture.

I misspoke my point - there are not enough black pieces. Called them pawns for some reason.

In the case of king's move, there is 1 true scenario ;)


it's an option - if we consider 2-3 half-moves back...

conventionally black pawn was on F4, white pawn on G2... but then how did black king get there... unless he didn't go around :-) and didn't go through the 1st rank to the corner...

then if the black queen hacked on H5...

the white pawn has covered from the G2-G4 move...

black pawn captures white pawn and stands up F4-G3 - check to white king

and then the white king F3-G3... but fuck... how did the black king get in there :-)


- and with the queen, it's the same as with the bishop... and red variant can be - first pawns gobble up 5 pieces, pawn with g2 should gobble up 6 pieces - which is impossible....

Yes, it appears that this is the only option with a pass takeover that would be acceptable.

I didn't read it, but I don't see mate in 1-2 moves... Black's got a bum, but he can still fight...

And how do you plan to kick?

Now check by bishop, you can close from it either by rook or queen - in that case bishop is exchanged for both black pieces.

If you go king h1-g1, White has a queen on c1 and no chance of escape...


With drawing

1. g4 fg 2. Kxg3


if going king h1-g1, white moves queen to c1 and no escape option either

Close with rook, with attack on queen, rook will be protected by king

Your next move ser...


And how do you plan to kick?

Now check by bishop, and you can hide from it either by rook or queen - in that case the bishop is exchanged for both of Black's pieces.

If we move the king h1-g1, White moves the queen to c1 and there's no chance of escape either.

yeah yeah... close with rook :-)

although of course black is a mess...


Close with rook, with attack on queen, rook will be protected by king

Your next move ser...

queen c5. You agree to exchange queens and then white pawns go up, I think you will agree that black has no chance