[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 589

5 moves to White's passed pawn... you can use your rook to drive...

By the way, it's not so easy, we have a round left )))) attacking the white bishop immediately after the queens exchange
the bishop will go to e4, for example, and the rook cannot cope with two pawns on adjacent lines.
let's have a flutter... black pawn h6-h5
5 moves to White's passed pawn... you can use your rook to drive...
It is true, but you can't put checkers forever, and at every opportunity White will move a pawn
with the drawing... Explain the black king's trajectory... how he went to the corner - he couldn't have gone through the N-row - a pawn is standing there... but bypassing... Oh, man... I wouldn't do that to him :-)
It's more likely via g3.
well, let's have a flutter... black pawn h6-h5




Black misses a move, after exchanging queens, put the rook on the 8th vertical and the white pawn in its place, also move the bishop
nope... didn't notice the pawn move, although I wouldn't have touched it yet, but never mind.... Let Aleksander do it.

Black missed a move, after the exchange of queens, put the rook on the 8th vertical and the white pawn in place, at the same time move the bishop

did not skip, move a pawn to h5.

Your variation, black's move

Alsou is having a simultaneous game today :-) I'll make my move later... war is war - but lunch is on the schedule :-)