[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 545

I feel we are witnessing a new Sheldon Cooper ))))
Yeah I know already, I've read it. But it hasn't been confirmed yet.

This has already been confirmed twice. That is, the experiment has been performed twice and both times the results show that the speed of light is not limiting.

And the reasons why the results of the experiments have not yet been officially announced and labeled as "incredible" have also been voiced:

"The results of the experiment contradict Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that the speed of light in the universe is finite and cannot be exceeded. All modern physics is based on this idea.

That is why the researchers themselves are in no hurry to declare the results of the experiment as a new scientific discovery. The management of the Swiss laboratory is in some disarray and calls the results "incredible"."

It is not customary in modern "science" to refute even the most delusional theories if the authors of these very theories are recipients of the dynamite inventor award and have US citizenship.


By the way, overcoming the speed of light can be directly related to trading.

Once I was interested in a time machine, all arguments of opponents were based on impossibility to overcome the speed of light and the theory of relativity. It turns out that probably there is no such an obstacle on the way of building a time machine.

A time machine peeping at quotes a couple of minutes ahead is the best indicator of technical analysis).

Reshetov: This has already been confirmed twice.

They must be feverishly trying to think of something to explain and fit into the current scientific picture. And besides, there are other hypotheses where these results come from. But they are based on GR. I cannot find the link at once.

The very magnitude of excess of speed of light (either tens or hundreds of meters/sec) may well fit to some unaccounted effect of GR.

On the other hand, it is remembered the past, when there was a powerful flash or supernovae, or a magnetar. Then allegedly gamma rays came at first, and a few hours later - light.

Probably feverishly trying to think of something to explain and fit into the modern scientific picture.

One can of course make something up to "prove" one's opinion.

But I've been keeping it simple. I took Einstein's mental experiments with synchronous clocks at the ends of moving and stationary inertial systems in which light moves always in one direction. And additionally he put in the way of photons on an exit mirror, so that they were reflected and returned back towards the source of light, past the same inertial systems. Then I measured time and distance in each inertial system both for photons from the light source and for photons reflected from the mirror and moving back to the light source. And that's it, the end of STO. As much as I tried, and to adjust a counter stream of photons so that speed of light became limiting for all inertial systems in experiment, it did not turn out any more. It is the same with experiments for Lorentz reduction of rods length. If the photon moves one way, the rod is shortened, and if the photon moves towards the first photon past the rod, the rod is lengthened.

By the way, for the given branch the solution of such problem, i.e. to fit STR, not for one photon in one direction, but for two opposite photons moving concerning inertial systems with the synchronous clocks, placed on ends of these most systems, IMHO - quite a concrete problem. Maybe someone will manage to solve it? It is possible that I am missing something?

Yeah, I know, I read it. But it hasn't been confirmed yet.

I haven't read the whole thread. But I know the speed that exceeds the speed of light We were told and proved this in lectures, it is the phase velocity.



By the way, for the given branch the solution of such problem, i.e. to fit STR, not for one photon in one direction, but for two opposite photons moving concerning inertial systems with synchronous clocks, placed on ends of these same systems, IMHO is quite concrete problem. Maybe someone will manage to solve it? It is possible that I am missing something?

maybe this will help http://samlib.ru/z/zhmudx_w_a/skorost.shtml

Yes, I recently posted a similar solution for vladds problem too.

By the way, for integer degrees (even at double base of degree) it is faster to calculate MathPow() directly. This is if the degree is small. But easier still just summarize geometric progression, then there will be fewer calls MathPow().

It's five times faster.

int start(){

   int n=12; // максимальная степень
   double A=125879;
   double x;
   int k;

   Alert("Начало: A="+DoubleToStr(A,8));
         Alert("x="+DoubleToStr(x,8)+". Проверка: A="+DoubleToStr(Formula(x,n),8)+". Итераций: "+k);

bool Function(int n,double A,double & x,int & k){
   double inf=MathPow(10,309);
   double Step=10; // Начальный шаг, стоит поэкспериментировать со значением
         double val=Formula(x,n);
            if(val>A || val==inf){
                  if(Step<0.000000000000001){ // 0.000000000000001 - определяет точность, увеличивать можно (снижать точность), уменьшать некуда

double Formula(double x,int n){
   // x^0+x^1+x^2+x^3+.........x^n=A
   double sum=1+x;
   double xp=x;
      for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){

maybe this will help http://samlib.ru/z/zhmudx_w_a/skorost.shtml
My link doesn't open.
Trolls: I haven't read the whole thread. But I know the speed that exceeds the speed of light We were told and proved this in lectures, it is the phase velocity.

In STO, there's a bolt for every sly... ...every sneaky ass. Like, it's useless because there's no information transfer. But somehow it's all a stretch.