[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 418


If you read my posts 3-4 pages ago, that's exactly the option I described there))))

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Don't forget the laws of conservation. They have never been abolished.
Don't forget the laws of conservation. They have never been abolished.
are the flies and the second space tasks related? or are they different tasks?
are the fly and second space tasks related? or are they different tasks?

It is one problem, reformulated in a different context.
sergeev: are the fly and second space tasks related? or are they different tasks?
Different questions, I'm just trying to move away from flies :) Indeed, under certain conditions, a body that is not moving anywhere can "lose" its weight.
You're using the term "moving" again, but it's unclear in this context.
sergeev: You're using the term "moving" again, but it's unclear in this context.
You should not consider the motion of the monitor relative to the sun, figuratively speaking. What is meant here is the oscillation of the body.
sergeev, Richie

I will have to repeat myself:

There is a monitor in front of me on the table - standing still. However, the planet rotates and it rotates with it. Therefore, one may say that my monitor is moving while it is at a complete rest.
It all depends on which hill the observer is looking from.

So what do we count as body movement? sergeev asks a perfectly fair question. I can ask differently - in which system should my monitor lose weight? in relation to what? In relation to the centre of the earth, or in relation to the point of an outside observer?

Still waiting for the elephant to show up
Still waiting for the elephant to show up

Who's the elephant?