[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 357

All points of the plane are coloured red or white. Prove that there are at least two points of the same colour, the distance between which is 1 cm.
Mathemat >>:
P.S. При данном алгоритме доказать, что 14 - нинимальное, несложно. ОК, замяли. Для общего случая будем решать или нет?

Yeah, I decided for myself that I'm going to slowly try. It's a beautiful puzzle if you understand it a little.

There was also a question about the best strategy for finding solutions, which I'm not very good at yet. I solved it by "gut feeling + brute force" :) Which is clearly not an optimal strategy.

But you can leave the task "in the background", sometimes return without stubbornness, let it brew.

It may be solved quickly, I seem to have grasped the principle of generating solutions, I just need to formalize it.

The general principle for any L #100 and two balls remains the same:
- choose such minimal n that 1+2+...+n > L, and the first ball will be dropped from the n-th floor. Further we decrease the distance between floors by 1, as in the solution given by MD. The maximum number of attempts equals n.
But for very small L the exact solution will be different.

Now what to do if there are more than 2 balls (say, i)? It seems clear: there should not be more tries than for 2 balls, because we have more resources to solve the problem.

Now for the specific figures: 3 balls, 100 floors. How many minimum comes out? Starting with 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95 and 99 is too expensive if it crashes somewhere on a high floor.
My minimum has been 10 so far - but I haven't tried very hard:
- 34, 67 (three roughly equal parts).
- With max 33 floors and 2 balls you can solve in maximum 8 steps:
- 8, 15, 21, 26, 30, and then a consecutive overlap.

P.S. It turns out that when the number of balls i>2, the strategy becomes complex: as long as there are more than 2 unbroken, we try as quickly as possible to narrow down the interval of floors, and when there are 2, we act as MD.
Continued - from the tasks offered by Melkosoft's recruiters when interviewing candidates for the programmer's job. The translation is mine, but I hope I haven't distorted the meaning:
Look at yourself in the mirror. Raise your right hand. Your reflection will also raise its hand, but it will appear to be your left hand.
OK, lower your head. Your reflection will also lower it.
Why the hell does the mirror swap right and left places but not up and down?
Mathemat писал(а) >>
Moving on - from the tasks offered by MelkoSoft's recruiters during the interview for the job of a programmer. The translation is mine, but I hope I didn't distort the meaning:
Look at yourself in the mirror. Raise your right hand. Your reflection will also raise its hand, but it will appear to be your left hand.
OK, lower your head. Your reflection will also lower it.
Why the hell does the mirror swap right and left places but not up and down?

It does. It's not the mirror's job, it's the brain's job.

No way. Moscow has nothing to do with it.
P.S. Give me an example of when the top and bottom change :)
Mathemat писал(а) >>
P.S. Give an example of when it changes top and bottom :)

When I am in a horizontal position :)) Mathemat, it's not about physics, it's about psychiatry :)) Consider that the mirror does not change anything.
The concave mirror changes top and bottom :-)
Richie >>:
Когда я нахожусь в горизонтальном положении :)) Mathemat, тут не в физике дело, а в психиатрии :)) Считаем, что зеркало ничего не меняет.

You have to give an answer that will satisfy the HR manager at Microsoft Corp. Your answer is unlikely to satisfy.


How can you characterise a price chart? Any graph has a f-function, so dealing with the price graph here what: a floating f-function, a binary? What is the scientific name for it?

ps if the question is incorrect - correct.